Monday, April 13, 2009

men vs women...


I think there are some distinct differences between men and women.

There are some similarities, too.

All women talk...

All men talk...

Most women talk too much...

Some men talk too much...

Most women will kiss (sex) and tell...

All men will kiss (sex) and tell...

Most men are clever...

All women are clever...

All women have a sense of sophistication...

Some men are corny...

All women are emotional...

Most men aren't emotional enough. Others are too emotional about the wrong things!

Most women want to be mentally stimulated by her man...

Few men want to be mentally stimulated by their woman...

All men want to be loved...

All women want to be loved...

Most women know that they have the power...

Most men think they have the power when they really have none...

Some women are slick...

Most men are slick...

Some men are faithful...

Most women are faithful...

All women love hard...

Most men love hard...

All men are too smart for their own good...

Some women aren't smart enough...

Some women start trouble...

Some men look for trouble...

Some women might be pissed off while reading this...

A few men might be pissed off while reading this...but they know I don't care. haaaaa



  1. I wouldn't disagree with anything on your 'men vs women' list 12 kyle.

    LMAO on:
    'Most women know they have the power.'

    'Most men think they have the power and they really have none.'

    Good one!

    What do they call it kyle? Oh yeh, the power of the pussy.

  2. I agree with most of the men vs. women.

    especially with most men are clever, all women are clever.

    not to sure if i believe that all men are too smart for thier own good.

  3. This woman "ditto's" what that man says about men vs. women! here's something i've been thinkin bout: all men are visually stimulated/sight-motivated. some women are visually stimulated/sight-motivated. i'm so visually stimulated i fall into the 'very few' category.

  4. Hmmm...the only one I don't agree with is that all women have a sense of sophistication...

  5. Yup, few men express their emotions & most get emotional for the wrong reason, lol.

  6. This was funny and some parts true.

    I'm definitely with Curvy on the "All woman have a sense of sophistication" That should be some woman.

  7. This was a good one for sure but why when I saw the title all in my head I was screaming "WOMEN YEAH WOMEN RULE" without reading it or caring what is about. Whatever the contest or game I was ready to ride or die by my

  8. ok where is your

    nice one though!!

  9. I agree with CurvyGurl, it takes some women a long time to get a level of sophistication and some never achieve it at all.

    I disagree with the most women are faithful, unfortunately I think that is not the norm for women or men nowadays. Shame, but true. Women are just better at not getting caught. Which means I agree with the most men are too smart for their good.

  10. Loved the list...and agree with 90% of it.

  11. how true you are on this post!

    why cant i think of interesting things like this to blog about,lol

  12. I agree with most of this list!

    I don't think most men are clever!

    I definitely don't think all women have a sense of sophistication! Not the hood chicks I've seen around this piece!!
