Wednesday, April 1, 2009

fallen apple

Life has a funny way of repeating itself.

After telling my 2 year old son, Brandon, for the third time to back away from the tv...I realized something...

I have become MY father. I mean, I sound just like him. Brandon isn't my first child. I've been a father for 9 yrs. My oldest son, Deion, is nine and my middle son, Kameron, is 6. But right now...I am my father. I have developed into his ideas on parenting and the world. This is not a bad thing. My father is more than a father...he's one of my best friends. He had the biggest influence on me and my brother growing up.

I always said that if I could become half the parent that my parents were then I would have accomplished a lot.

What about you? For those of you who are parents...are you like your parents? How?

For those of you who aren't you think you'd develop the ideologies of your parents? Why...why not?

The apple don't fall far from the tree.



  1. We all become our parents sooner or later. My Father used to stand in the hallway in his boxers and an undershirt yelling at me or my brother to turn down our music or to turn the lights off if we are not in the room. We thought the man was insane!! Then 20 years later I'm in the hallway in my house in my drawers and a stocking cap yelling at my daughter and my neice to turn the volume down on their stereo...I had to stop and laugh when that moment came...I had become my father..Now I was the one who looked like a mad man..

    The difference being...after I had a good laugh..I did the cabbage patch to their music..(They were playing Salt N Pepa "Push it")

    My Dad would have never danced to my music- (parliament funkadelic)

  2. That's funny I have to keep telling my 2yr old daughter to back away from the tv as well.

    I am nothing like my mum. She was abusive and had no patience. I always said growing up that I would be nothing like her if I ever had kids. And so far I'm keeping to that.

  3. I find myself saying things to CJ at 2 that my mom said to me. And it usually cracks me up. My sisters are definitely turning into our mom, in all ways and that is hilarious.

    I'm with you though, it I turn out to be half as marvelous as my mom was then I'm good with that and CJ is lucky. Because my mom made things happen for us even when she didnt have it.

  4. My mom? No. But my grandmother, yes!

    I find myself using the same quotes and sayings all the time. I don't mind though, she was a wonderful lady ;)

  5. YES!!! No kids, but I am my mom and my dad all at the same time. IDK how that works but it does. I find myself saying things they've said or it sounds like they would say.
    Sometimes it bothers me, because I pride myself on being different. Other times, I don't care because I know they're right.

  6. I'm not a parent, but when I become one, I will adopt some of the ideologies and antics of my mother, but there are also some that I don't wish to bring on with me when I raise my children.

  7. I'm not a parent yet but when I become one. I hope to instill some of my parent's value. Everyone always says me and mom sound exactly alike. One thing I can't and nor could she tolerate is a kid that talks back or is disrespectful. Do Trust...I BEAT AZZ!

    My dad is a saver. I've become more like him over the years!

  8. I am definitely my father's child in every way. Our parenting style is identical. I think Dad did an EXCELLENT job w/ my brother and I.

  9. ~Ms. Moore~April 01, 2009

    I have most of my mom’s ways but not all of them. I think most of what she and my dad did to raise me was right on point. The only thing that I didn’t agree with them about was the fact that they did not bother to explain things. My mother’s favorite line was cause I said so damn it. And between the two of them my sex education talk with each of them separately lasted about 15 seconds total.

  10. Sure wish I hadn't laughed or been impatient with my mom and sis. They definitely paved a very interesting and frightening

  11. No kids yet but I find myself saying and acting in a way more and more like my mum!! Scary!

  12. i dont have kids, but i feel myself turning into my parents more and more everyday.
