Wednesday, February 11, 2009

free agency

The free agency period has begun!

No...I'm not talking about football. Not talking about baseball or basketball.

The new season is upon us. The season of love.

We often talk about what we want from our spouse or mate. But let's assume that we all are single right now. Assume that you are a free agent on the open market and you're looking.

What are you looking for?

As a free agent...what do you bring to the table? Aside from the obvious (someone's physical appearance), how would your free agency chart look? Mine would go like this...

Personal Attributes...
Smart, witty, good sense of humor, calm demeanor, caring, good listener, self motivated, confident

Intelligent, confident, good sense of humor, driven, self motivated, loyal, great personality

Using the same would your free agency list look?



  1. No assumptions here, ya girl is definitely a free agent and I'm looking for a two-year contract with a lifetime option.
    It's a lil' too late in the game for me to be dating just to be dating. The way I figure it, I got about 13 and a half good years left on my reproductive system so I need to get cracking in the next five. :-)
    OK, I'm half serious about that.
    Anyway, my chart reads as follows:
    Personal Attributes ...
    Employed, intelligent, laid back with high strung tendecies, outspoken, confident, patient, kind, good sense of humor, great personality and a good cook

    Seeking ...
    EMPLOYED, intelligent, laid back, confident not arrogant, patient, kind, outgoing, great personality, self-starter, take initiative, handy (in more ways than one)

    I don't want much. :-D

  2. Um, no free agency for me - lol.

  3. Personal Attributes...
    Smart. confident, fun, honest, reliable, renaissance, easy going, outgoing personality,

    I really could go on for days since I'm damn near perfect, but I'll stop

    Honest, ambitious, great listener, smart, fun, god-fearing, sponataneous

    that's all i got right now

  4. Hey Brother!

    Personal Attributes:
    God-fearing, loving, hard working, funny, down to earth, committed, creative, intelligent, family-oriented woman with vision....

    A God-fearing, loving, respectful, committed, down to earth, hard working, secure, family-oriented man with vision

  5. I don't want anything but to be left the hell alone!!!

    *side eye for the guys in the club wearing fur*

  6. (my bad- I should never let Lady Estrogen leave comments on other ppls blogs...LOL)

  7. Of course this is all pre marriage and babies

    Personal Attributes...
    outgoing (I love to have fun), low drama factor (with an occasional hormone induced spastic moment), hard working, independent, confident, handy (I watch a lot of HGTV & DIY), great friend, loyal but not clingy, love to travel

    fun, outgoing, laid back (but assertive enough that I don't have to constantly try to figure out what he's about), EMPLOYED, hard working but not a workaholic, able to hold a decent conversation, down to earth, loyal but not clingy, child free (unless mom is under control or completely out of the picture, baby mama drama is a killer for me), and last but not least...good in bed. I'm a very sensual person, gotta be able to keep

    Did I mention he has to be EMPLOYED

  8. LOL,Well I am single so I dont have to pretend...

    Personal Attributes: Intelligent, Creative, Sense of Humor, Healthy, Confident, Controlling, Outspoken, Attractive, A go getter etc. etc. the list goes on and on.

    Seeking: First and foremost he has to be God Fearing, Intelligent, Attractive, Healthy, Competitive, Sense of Humor, Confident, Good Listener, A go getter,and all that good stuff...

  9. I know that I stole a few of yours but mine would be something like...

    Creative, intelligent attractive, calm, well spoken, financially sound, sista who is self motivated, loyal good at cooking, humorous, clean and romantic seeks


    A motivated, strong, responsible man with a sense of family and can use all the words I described myself with on himself.

  10. I am still working through what I want in my deal breakers posts but hell by the time I am done I dont think there will be a woman left on the planet who will fit the bill.

  11. I would look for:

    ***The desire to have and achieve with me.
    *Good sexually
    *Family oriented
    *Don't spend money on bullsh*t
    *Likes to travel
    *Good hygiene
    *Doesn't like to argue

  12. Personal attributes:
    Good Sense of humor
    Good Cook
    God loving
    Love to travel

    God fearing
    Family oriented
    Patient(you will need it with me)
    Sense of humor
    Laid back-I'm hype so he can't be too
    Emotionally open(not afraid to be)
    Ok that's it for now. I have a list of 50!

  13. Personal Attributes:
    Educated (Associates & Bachelors Degrees)
    Gainfully employed
    Good Cook
    Sense of Humor
    Family man
    Christian (Recovering Sinner)

    Christian Woman
    Good Sense of humor
    Can help with cooking
    loves children
    Good in bed (or at least willing
    to be taught how to be)

    "The Free Agency of Lovvve"
    (Sounds like an old R&B song from
    the seventies.)

  14. Kyle, stop by my spot and hollatchagirl. I was inspired a bit by this post *wink!*

  15. While my interest has been captured, I can still answer this question

    Personal Attributes...
    Intelligent, God-fearing, employed, focused, self-motivated, passionate, down to earth, confident, goal-oriented, nurturing, sensual, sports lover

    Intelligent, compassionate, employed, romantic, funny, honest, confident, passionate, fun-loving, respectful, creative man that can "last" longer than 15 minutes and "be" longer than 5 inches

    Yeah, I said it!
