Friday, May 2, 2008

press konference

I ain't no joke, I use to let the mic smoke
Now I slam it when I'm done and make sure it's broke
When I'm gone, no on gets on, cause I won't let
nobody press up, and mess up, the scene I set
I like to stand in the crowd, and watch the people wonder "Damn!"
But think about it, then you'll understand
I'm just an addict, addicted to music
Maybe it's a habit, I gotta use it

Rakim (I Aint No Joke)

12kyle ain't no joke...but what else is new?

Today's post is a lil different. Today, you can ask me anything. We've seen this forum on just about everybody in the blog crew's blog...from -1- to muze...from swag to mika.

Today is the Press Konference. I'm at the podium. I'll field any questions from you. Questions about global warming? Questions about bull frogs? Holla at cha boi! LOL! Just kiddn.

I'll answer all questions later today and tomorrow.

Who's up first?


  1. Rakim is the truth-Follow the leader.

    I actually don't have any questions for you but I sure can't wait to hear some of the ones you get.

  2. Who is your favorite rapper?

    Are planning to have more kids? Girls this time? lol!

  3. What's your favorite restaurant/bar in Atlanta?

    What are your long range goals?

  4. AnonymousMay 02, 2008

    Ladies....I know CBW, so I can ask him whatever I want.

    But ya'll asking some corny azz questions. LOL

  5. How are the strip clubs in ATL? Which one would you say is the best?
    How often do you make it rain? LMAO

  6. 1. How did you know your wife was "the one"?

    2. How did you propose to her?

    3. What are 2 things that you strive to instill in your children?

  7. I'm with Brad. Where are the good questions? LOL

  8. @ PrettyBlack
    Rakim is one of the best to ever pick up a microphone

    @ Hadassah
    Who is your favorite rapper?
    Jay Z

    Are you planning to have more kids? Girls this time? lol!
    LOL. No. We're done. I often wonder what kinda father would I be with a little girl. They are sooo precious. I have 2 nieces and I love them to death. I can only imagine how "soft" I'd be. LOL.

    @ Miz
    What's your favorite restaurant/bar in Atlanta?

    Good question, Miz. I'ma break it down with the restaurants. I don't really hit bars like that. If I had to pick a bar, then I'd say the M Bar

    Breakfast-Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles

    Seafood-McCormick and Schmidts and The Oceanaire

    Steakhouse-Capital Grille

    Carribean-Santo Domingo. It's in Norcross. I don't think that anybody in the spot speaks English but they have the BEST food. I normally just point to the picture on the menu for what I want. LoL

    What are your long range goals?
    Headed back to college this fall to get my Masters. I plan to have my own advertising or marketing firm within 5 to 7 yrs. I'm tired of working for other people. Ya feel me?

    @ Brad
    Kick rocks! LOL. These questions are good. What's your question? You gotta sports question, son?

    @ Trish
    How are the strip clubs in ATL?
    Here in tha A, we like to refer to them as "shoe model establishments." I mean...that's what they do. After all...they DO model shoes, right? So we refer to them as "shoe models". The spots are off tha chain!!! If you wanna see totally nude sistas, then you can come here. It's the shoe modeling capital of the world.

    Which one would you say is the best? Ummmm...Strokers, Magic City, Body Tap, Platinum 21, Goosbumps, Blue Flame, Jazzy T's, and Pin-ups

    How often do you make it rain?
    Neva. I rarely go to the shoe shows. But when I do, I might take $10 and still come home with change. LOL. Y'all know me...I don't waste money. And I'm not one of those married dudes who has to "sneak" to the shoe show. If I'm going, the wife will know...and reap the benefits later. LMAO

    @ Keisha the Kitten
    1. How did you know your wife was "the one"?We met in college. I'm not sure the exact moment. We became friends pretty fast. When I realized that she was slowly becoming my best friend...that's when I knew it. I could share my thoughts and inner most feelings with her.

    2. How did you propose to her?
    It happened on Dec 31, 1999 b/c I thought the world was coming to an end with that whole Y2K thing. LMAO!!! Jusss kiddn. I did propose that day, though. I gave her a box that was wrapped. She opened it...only to find a smaller shoe box. She opened it to only find a shoe. Inside the shoe was another box (she's cryin by this time) and in the box was the ring. And she said yes! Haaaa.

    3. What are 2 things that you strive to instill in your children? Independence and leadership. Be independent of your own actions and thoughts. Be a leader...not a follower

    @ Queen
    *still waiting for your question*

  9. AnonymousMay 02, 2008

    Brad & QMC....let the folks get warmed up, it's still early....the juice and dirt will come as CBW gets relaxed....right now he's sweating behind that podium hoping no one asks him about his relationship with Rev. Wright!!!

    CBW....What's next for your writing career?

  10. How long have you lived in the ATL - I'm a former resident myself.

    Which city do you live in? Most folks rarely live in the Atlanta city limits, but I did just before leaving for the STL?

    If it's one thing you'd like a do-over on, what would it be?

    What's the three most important qualities a woman should have?

  11. since your blog is known as the 12th planet. What is your proximity to "The Son"

  12. What's the title of your wife's book? I'm new, so if you have given this up in previous posts, if you don't mind, just humor me. I'm always looking for new books to read.

  13. Well now that the folks are warmed up, may I bring the heat? LOL. I kidd, I kidd

    1. I hope to have my own line of dresses, baby Ts, and possibly platform stiletto slide in sandals; does this mean that I could hire you for my marketing/advertising needs?

    2. Do I receive a special discount?

    3. Have any plans to visit Houston?

    4. Sunrise or sunset?

    5. Kisses or hugs?

    6. One thing Mrs. Kyle has ever done for you that makes you smile when you remember it?

    7. Thing you love most about Mrs. Kyle?

    8. Thick women or thin?

    9. Your best quality?

    10. Your worst attribute?

    11. Guilt or pleasure?

    12. Thing you love most about Truth and/or Soft? (Shameless plug reciprocated? Most def, but you expected nothing less, right?)

  14. Ahhhh, I see someone had been schooled on the art of HTML codes/tags. LMAO!!!!

  15. Hey Kyle,

    I'm going frivolous with this one.

    What is your favorite t.v. show of all time?

    What album can you not live without in your music collection?

  16. I can hear the music to it's gonna be in my head all day!

    You aint no joke...but you gotta admit you are a pretty funny dude.

    I don't have any questions. I like harassing people for information when they least expect it.

  17. oooooh! i love these posts!


    since your blog is known as the 12th planet. What is your proximity to "The Son"

    ^^ GREAT question.

    ewww @ you liking that chicken & waffles joint. ga-ross. when i lived in atl i went there and was sooo dissatisfied!

    maybe it's different now though.

    okay my questions are...

    -any other city you'd consider living in?

    -one thing in life you've never done but want to do really really bad?

    -are you more passive or aggressive? or passive agressive? lol.

    -since you live in atl... ever been hit on by a man? LOL. if so, what did you say?

    -worse decision you've ever made?

    -best decision you've ever made?

    -place in the world you have to visit before you die?

    -what is your ultimate dreams for you boys?


  18. *puts on reporter's cap*

    Mr. 12Kyle, Mr. 12Kyle, Over here. Hi, Jaded NYer from Brooklyn here... (LOL!!!)

    1- If you were to run for public office, what dirt would the media be able to dig up on you that could ruin your chances?

    2- Given the resources and opportunity to do so, to which foreign nation would you donate your time and money, and why? If there are none, why not?

    3- To which conpiracy theories do you subscribe?

    *awaits answers with pencil and notebook at the ready*

  19. out of all the numbers......why did you want your planet to be the 12th?

    Is your real name even Kyle??

    Do you want more kids???

    Pepsi or coke??

    Whats your fav flav of koolaid??

    would you ever go on a reality tv show?? if so which one??


  20. yay!

    fav bloggers? (exclude me from this answer cuz i know i'm one of them for sure)

    dont u hate when ppl put z's at the end of shit? like "awwz" and "muahz" and "lolz"...fugg is that?

    fav cartoon?

    fav movie?

    u eat pork?

    did OJ do it?


  21. How did you determine your career objective?

    Is the field you're in the one you've always wanted to partake in?

    In a perfect world, if it wasn't a societal issue where the norm is the man is the head of the home and it is imperative that he be the bread winner, blah blah... Which would you work for: a career you were passionate about that paid fair or a career that paid substantial put it was boring to do day in and out?

    And, I sort of kind of answered your question today... When I posted. Big^. And I hope the other offer/possibility still stands for when I get my act together? Not to worry. I am not flighty (you know I ain't cheerlead, lmao). I'm just 'goin thru'.

    Have a good one bruh! You are one of the good ones I've come to respect. *insert that muslim saying that means peace and all that jazz*

  22. didn’t look at anyone elses questions so that I can be unique with mine

    1. What would you do if one of your sons told you that they were homosexual?

    2. Where is your birth spot?

    3. What are all the styles you’ve ever worn your hair

    4. How tall are you?

    5. Young and the Restless or General Hospital?

  23. AnonymousMay 02, 2008

    When did you fall in love with hip-hop?

    What or who inspires you?

    A smell that brings back a good memory?

    LA or NY?

    Booty, breasts or legs?

  24. I can't think of one question... Finally at a lost for words. I'll be back later.

  25. Will u be making an appearance at the BD, vol. 1 booksigning/party on June 7th in ATL?

    How many bloggers have u met/known? Who? What Blogger would u most like to meet who u haven't?

    What I gotta do to be in your crew?

  26. OH! When U go to Shoe-shows -- do u ever notice the shoes or the toes? LOL!

  27. It my birthday month so its all about me

    What are you getting me for my birthday?

    What are you going to have on the grill at your cook-out that I am crashing on memorial day?

    What are you wearing to my party?

    Can you help me move to ATL?

    Can you help me find a job in ATL?

    Ok that's all for now

  28. AnonymousMay 02, 2008

    12 Kyle

    What does the 12 stand for? Inches????

    Lights on or off when making love.

    Abs or flab on the belly?

    Nice smile, ever where braces?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Whew! Made it just in time!!!


    What is your biggest fear?

    Do you believe in divorce?

    Do you own your own home?

    What is your favorite home cooked meal?

    Greens or cabbage?

    1 physical feature that you would change if you had the bread?

    1 physical feature you would change on Mrs. Kyle if you had the bread?

    favorite female & male blog? (only 1 each please)

    Your blog crush? LOL

    What size shoe do you wear?

    best investment in 2008?

    worst investment in 2007?

    Does bloggin' boost your ego?

    Which bloggers would you like to meet one day?

  31. AnonymousMay 03, 2008

    you have your work cut out. a lot of questions.

  32. @ Rezidl
    Look at you...throwing water on the grease fire. LoL

    What's next for your writing career?

    Good question. I always joked about writing a book but not having the talent to do it. LOL. Lately, it's been on my mind, tho. Who knows? Mannnn, I'm still waiting on YOUR second book. And I need anutha copy of the 1st one b/c pops stole my copy.

    @ Rich
    How long have you lived in the ATL - I'm a former resident myself.

    11 years

    Which city do you live in? Most folks rarely live in the Atlanta city limits, but I did just before leaving for the STL?

    Stone Mountain aka Tha Roc

    I'd love to live in the city but it's too expensive. However, I thought about looking at some foreclosed spots. You can get em dirt cheap now.

    If it's one thing you'd like a do-over on, what would it be?

    I'd prolly cuss my position coach out during my senior year of football at SC State. Long story...but he messed it up for that year.

    What's the three most important qualities a woman should have?

    Intelligence (who wants a dumb woman)



    since your blog is known as the 12th planet. What is your proximity to "The Son"

    Very close but not too far away.

    What's the title of your wife's book?

    I Don't Mean to Smash Your Tomatoes, Honey.
    She co-authored it with 10 other sistas. Most of them went to school with us. It's a good read. Thanks for asking Rich.

    @ Queen
    Twelve questions? Hmmmm. You funny!

    1. I hope to have my own line of dresses, baby Ts, and possibly platform stiletto slide in sandals; does this mean that I could hire you for my marketing/advertising needs?


    2. Do I receive a special discount?

    *crickets* LMAO!! I gotta pay for college for the lil fellas

    3. Have any plans to visit Houston?

    Nah. I heard its nice. My next trip is to LA. This summer. Not sure when. And I'm tryna make it to DC and NYC

    4. Sunrise or sunset?


    5. Kisses or hugs?

    Tough one...I'ma say kisses. But I come from a family of huggers. LOL

    6. One thing Mrs. Kyle has ever done for you that makes you smile when you remember it?

    She threw a slammin surprise bday party at our house for my 30th bday. I hate surprises but she got me good.

    7. Thing you love most about Mrs. Kyle?

    Her ambition, drive, and hustle.

    8. Thick women or thin?

    Both! Just as long as she is black

    9. Your best quality?

    My personality

    10. Your worst attribute?

    Sometimes I cuss to f*#kin much but dammit I'm tryna cut that sh*t outta my muthaf**kin life

    11. Guilt or pleasure?


    12. Thing you love most about Truth and/or Soft? (Shameless plug reciprocated? Most def, but you expected nothing less, right?)

    I like the way that everybody can relate to what you write. It doesn't matter if they are male or female. You'd think that the Queen would be above her servants. But you write for us peasants and thieves. It is a very good gift.

    @ TravelDiva
    What is your favorite t.v. show of all time?

    Sandford and Son (Fred G. Sandford. The G is for...) LoL

    What album can you not live without in your music collection?

    It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back-Public Enemy

    Good ones! Thanks TravelDiva

    @ OD

    You NEVER ask questions on anybodys blog. Lol

    @ Muze
    any other city you'd consider living in?

    If I were single with no churren, I'd live in NYC. Manhattan. I love to live there.

    As a married man with churren, I'd love to live in suburban DC

    one thing in life you've never done but want to do really really bad?

    Learn to speak Spanish fluently and learn how to play the piano.

    are you more passive or aggressive? or passive agressive?

    I'm probably more aggressive than I am passive

    since you live in atl... ever been hit on by a man? LOL. if so, what did you say?

    Funny. Never been hit on by a man. And I WON'T be hit on by a man. LOL

    worse decision you've ever made?

    Not going to grad school right after college.

    best decision you've ever made?

    Going to South Carolina State University. It changed my life. It was the best 5 1/2 yrs of my life. Yeah...5 and 1/2. LOL

    place in the world you have to visit before you die?


    what is your ultimate dreams for you boys?

    My dream is that they become the young men that we try to raise them to be. It doesn't matter if they are doctors or janitors. I want them to continue the legacy that was set forth by our ancestors. Never settle for less.

    @ Jaded NYer

    If you were to run for public office, what dirt would the media be able to dig up on you that could ruin your chances?

    Good question. I really don't have dirt...just a few dust stains. You the time that I walked outta the record store with 10 cds but only paid the cashier $5. The cashier was my boy and he took the money and never rang the other cds up. And then there was the time when Napster was huge and I was like the download king. Other than that...they got nuffin on me. No drugs, no arrests, etc.

    Given the resources and opportunity to do so, to which foreign nation would you donate your time and money, and why? If there are none, why not?

    I believe that there are a lotta nations that could benefit from our money. However, I'm more concerned about the good ole US of A. There are some places here that are just as bad as a third world country. I'd have to focus on my country first

    To which conspiracy theories do you subscribe?

    I believe that SOMEBODY knew about the events that happened on Sept 11. When I say know who i'm talkin bout.

    @ The Flyyest
    *hope u feel betta*

    out of all the numbers......why did you want your planet to be the 12th?

    I chose 12 b/c that was one of my favorite numbers growing up. It was also the # on my jersey when I played little league football and I wore that number in college.

    Is your real name even Kyle??

    Yes! LOL. My name is Kyle. My oldest son's middle name is Kyle as well

    Do you want more kids???

    Nah. I'm good with these 3 lil fellas. However, I will "borrow" kids. You can lend me that lovely lil lady of yours. She is adorable!!! But I can only keep her for a week. Haaaaa

    Pepsi or coke??


    Whats your fav flav of koolaid??

    Red (LMAO!!!) aka cherry

    would you ever go on a reality tv show?? if so which one??

    I'd go on Flavor Flav's show. If those women are crazy THAT dude, then they'd love me!!!

  33. @karrie b

    fav bloggers? (exclude me from this answer cuz i know i'm one of them for sure)

    LOL!!! I'ma go PC on this one and say all of you are my favorites...and i'll tell you why. We always hear about how young bruthas and sistas are wayward and lifeless. Some are. But if you look on most of these blogs, you'll find some people who are passionate about life, their families and their future. It makes me feel good to see my people like that. I love black people.

    dont u hate when ppl put z's at the end of shit? like "awwz" and "muahz" and "lolz"...fugg is that?

    You are tooooo funny!!! I'm glad that PRO put me onto you.

    fav cartoon?


    fav movie?

    Brown Sugar

    u eat pork?

    helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yeah!

    did OJ do it?

    Yep!!! But he had help. He didn't do it by himself.

    @ PRO
    How did you determine your career objective?

    I asked myself "what do you like to do?". Then I asked myself "what do you love to do?" From there, I tried to figure out if i could making a living doing what I like to do while positioning myself to do what i love to do. Make your plan...then work your plan. That's my motto.

    Is the field you're in the one you've always wanted to partake in?

    I wanted to do sports marketing. That's what I'll do ultimately

    In a perfect world, if it wasn't a societal issue where the norm is the man is the head of the home and it is imperative that he be the bread winner, blah blah... Which would you work for: a career you were passionate about that paid fair or a career that paid substantial put it was boring to do day in and out?

    I've know guys who've made a lotta money but were unhappy. I'd take the fair pay in a career that i was passionate about

    Thanks for your kind words. As always, I appreciate you for coming thru to the 12th Planet. That other venture we'll do when you are ready. Keep ya head up!

    @ Poca

    1. What would you do if one of your sons told you that they were homosexual?

    I'd still love him like before but i'd be lying if i said that i wouldn't be disappointed.

    2. Where is your birth spot?

    Wow! I've never been asked this question before. Good quest. My birth spot is behind my right knee.

    3. What are all the styles you've ever worn your hair

    I had that bobby brown-gumby style back in high school. Then I had the high top fade. LOL. Now, it's just a fresh even cut

    4. How tall are you?

    5 foot 7 and 3/4...make sure you add the 3/4 (LOL)

    5. Young and the Restless or General Hospital?

    Y and R!!!

    @ Bombshell

    When did you fall in love with hip-hop?

    (Brown Sugar...nice reference) I fell in love with hip hop in 1985. Back then, it was about break dancin', boom boxes, and everything was fresh. People thought that it was gonna be a fad. Well, hip hop is still here. Hip hop saved me...and a lotta other folk that i know

    What or who inspires you?

    My friends

    A smell that brings back a good memory?

    Freshly cut grass on a hot summer day. It takes me back to my football days. It takes me to a place where life was simple and innocent. There were no bills back then. LOL

    LA or NY?


    Booty, breasts or legs?

    Idealistically...all 3 would be great. But I need at least 2 of 3

    @ The F$%K it List

    Betta hurry up b/c the press konference is almost ova. lol

    @ Capcity

    Will u be making an appearance at the BD, vol. 1 booksigning/party on June 7th in ATL?

    Yes! I will be there.

    How many bloggers have u met/known?

    I know LRenee. She's fam. She's like a sister-in-law. She's married to one of my best friends.

    What Blogger would u most like to meet who u haven't?

    I'd like to meet everybody. Everybody is maaaad cool.

    What I gotta do to be in your crew?

    You're in my blog crew. I meant to add you the other day but I forgot. Welcome 2 tha crew

    When U go to Shoe-shows -- do u ever notice the shoes or the toes?

    Yes. The shoes are nice. And so are the toes. You gotta notice em b/c it is the shoe show. LOL

  34. @ Eb the Celeb

    What are you getting me for my birthday?

    I'm gonna get you the same thing that I got you last year...only in a bigger box. LMAO!!!

    What are you going to have on the grill at your cook-out that I am crashing on memorial day?

    Happy Meals from McDs

    What are you wearing to my party?

    I just copped a fire engine red suit. It has purple pinstripes. I'll have on my orange belt with matching shirt. And can't forget the lime green gators. When I get to the door, I'ma tell them that I'm your cousin. LMAO!!!

    Can you help me move to ATL?


    Can you help me find a job in ATL?

    Sure! I need somebody to cut my grass. I'll be more than happy to hire you as my "help" haaaaaa

    @ Jai Love
    Thanks for coming to the 12th Planet. Makes sure that you come back. We have a good time around here. We're here everyday like bad traffic

    What does the 12 stand for? Inches????

    LOL. Nah. I played college football at South Carolina State University. 12 was my jersey #.

    Lights on or off when making love.

    Lights off or dim...I know what I'm doing. LOL

    Abs or flab on the belly?


    Nice smile, ever where braces?

    thanks. neva had braces

    @ Sexxy Luv

    What is your biggest fear?

    Failure. The fear of failure is what drives me

    Do you believe in divorce?

    I am the product of a divorce. I saw what a divorce can do to a kid. So, I believe in it. I would do whatever I could to avoid it.

    Do you own your own home?


    What is your favorite home cooked meal?

    Fried chicken, mac and cheese, and cornbread

    Greens or cabbage?


    1 physical feature that you would change if you had the bread?


    1 physical feature you would change on Mrs. Kyle if you had the bread?


    favorite female & male blog? (only 1 each please)

    awwwww...if i had to pick one...

    male- don (minus the bars)
    female- pretty black

    Your blog crush? LOL

    haaaaaaaa. Maybe you should ask who's crushin on me

    What size shoe do you wear?


    best investment in 2008?

    12th Planet

    worst investment in 2007?

    paying taxes

    Does bloggin' boost your ego?

    I can't lie...a lil bit

    Which bloggers would you like to meet one day?

    Everybody in my blog crew

  35. i'm glad she did too :)


  36. YAYYY! I'm in the crew! :-) Look forward to meeting U & the Mrs. on June 7th, 12kyle! Gonna be a BLAST ANNNDD major BLOG-MEET/Photo OP for adding folk to my PHOTO-Post of Bloggers!

  37. @ karrie b
    Preciate it!

    @ CapCity
    We'll be there!

  38. hey 12,

    k. here goes

    1. what did u dream about last nite?

    2. u mentioned that mrs. 12 has a weakness for killer shoes. what material item do u splurge on?

    3. did u always know what u wanted to be when u grew up?

    4. what's the best advice u can give to aspiring young Black professionals?

    5. did u cry at your wedding? at your sons b'days?

    6. favorite snack food

    7. do u clip your toe-nails or do u just catch the edge and pull them off?

    8. whats love?


  39. ok if I didnt miss it all because I have been S.O.S

    What is your favorite thing about being a dad?

    Special date with Mrs 12th where are you going?

    Do you lock your doors down in the ATL?

    Favorite movie?

    I'm still a little out of it so I'm going to stop here. Oh and in the NY during the summer can we say ROOOOOLLLLLLEEEEERRRRCOOOOOOAAAASSSSTTEERRRR

  40. AnonymousMay 03, 2008

    Man, it's a whole lot of questions being asked of you.

    *note to self: don't do a question blog*

    What's one thing that would cause you to want to end your marriage?

    You say you and your wife are done with kids, but what would you do if she ended up pregnant?

  41. I feel the love man! Thanks for the shout...

  42. @12kyle- what u know about fred g. sanford.... that's my fav show of all time....

    the drawer he had that was ONLY for his 39 pairs of glasses.


    ok. maybe it's tied w/sex and the city.


  43. 1. what did u dream about last nite?

    good question. i'm not sure what the dream was about but I remember sitting in a board room with a bunch of people

    2. u mentioned that mrs. 12 has a weakness for killer shoes. what material item do u splurge on?

    i love droppin loot on a nice suit. i also spend money on golf stuff. i love golf but it's a game that costs to play

    3. did u always know what u wanted to be when u grew up?

    lol. maaaaan, the thought of what I wanted to be when I grew up changed about 20 times when I was younger. i remember wanting to be a vet. then, I realized how much science that I had to learn and I got rid of that thought

    4. what's the best advice u can give to aspiring young Black professionals?

    make your plan...then work your plan. set short term and long term goals. write them down and put them where you can see them. use all of your resources. never be too proud to ask for help

    5. did u cry at your wedding?

    nah. i was too busy laughing. The preacher was like 104 yrs old...maybe not that old...but he was old. He kept getting my name wrong and he kinda stumbled through the ceremony. I was crackin up.

    at your sons b'days?

    i cried the day that our oldest son was born

    6. favorite snack food


    7. do u clip your toe-nails or do u just catch the edge and pull them off?

    clip em

    8. whats love?

    love is love. love is great. love sucks. love hurts. to give love and have it reciprocated is a special feeling. you never know love until you open your heart. you must tear down the fortess that you've built aroun your hear to let love in. love is beautiful. love can be tough. love can be mistaken for lust. some folk are in love with being in love. love knows no color. love is love. i love 2 love

    @ Eb the Celeb

    @ The F$%K it List

    What is your favorite thing about being a dad?
    Watching these little boys develop into young men and then grown men. Being able to help mold them as they grow is very rewarding

    Special date with Mrs 12th where are you going?

    I like to do the "all day" date. Take her to the spa and get massages together. Then, dinner and a movie

    Do you lock your doors down in the ATL?

    Yes. Sometimes I forget to do it, tho.

    Favorite movie?

    Brown Sugar

    @ Jewells
    LMAO @ u!!! The questions blog is fun but it IZ a lotta work

    What's one thing that would cause you to want to end your marriage?

    infidelity will get her ass kicked outta here. lol

    You say you and your wife are done with kids, but what would you do if she ended up pregnant?

    If she were pregnant, then I'd have to "Set it Off" like Jada and Vivica. LOL. Seriously, she said that she would stop working. Soooooo, that's not an option! LOL

    @ PrettyBlack
    No prob!

    @ -1-
    it doesn't get any betta than fred sanford. i love that show. lol @ u. What about the drawer that didn't open until you hit it from the side. fred always had a bottle of ripple around. if this show is on, then i'm watchin' it

  44. @12kyle

    yeah he didn't play when it came 2 that ripple.

    if u got in the way of his ripple supply (or his "coordinating" efforts) u were a definite candidate for "one across the lip"

    a true comedy king


  45. Remember this...

    Esther: "Shut up, Fred. You old fish eyed fool!"

    Fred:"Ester, I could put yo face in some dough and make some gorilla cookies!"


  46. girls are the best to raise they won't give u any trouble! :s

  47. @ Hadassah
    LMAO!!! I'm not so sure about that. Haaaaa

  48. LOL. Sanford & Son is a classic.
