Sunday, July 24, 2016

a true Warrior

I met her back in February of this year. I think it was just before the NBA All Star game.

Her name is Cheryl.

As you may know, I host a sports show weekly sports show, Dead End Sports. One night, we were streaming our live show on YouTube. I was checking the out the comments in the chat room. I knew all of the people who were in the chat room. Then, an unfamiliar face jumped into the chat room and into the discussion. It was Cheryl. I didn't know who she was at the time. But she jumped into the discussion about the Golden State Warriors. Her comments were bold and brash...but she was able to back up her comments by giving valid reasons and points to the discussion. Little did I know...that night would start a friendship.

Two days later, she followed me on twitter and I returned the favor. One of the first things that I remembered was her asking me about the Warriors. I can't remember my response but she didn't like it. She said "Don't hate on my Warriors." I chuckled. At the time, the Warriors were the best team in the NBA. At this point I was skeptical to if she was a fan because I don't know ANY Warriors fans. Prior to the previous basketball season, the Warriors have sucked for most of the years that I've watched the NBA. I asked her "How long have you been a fan? Are you from the Bay or the West Coast?" At this point, I was testing to see if she was a fan who "jumped on the Warriors bandwagon." As it turns out, that's where she was from and was truly a fan. She had an opinion about just about anything...but she had the knowledge. I was impressed. I knew she was a knowledgeable sports fan. She quickly became cool with the rest of the Ken and B (my boys from Dead End Sports) as well as our other Dead End Sports crew.

After that, we talked EVERY day...SEVERAL times a day on twitter. As the Warriors were making their run to the title, she was right there talking trash or defending her Warriors. This was every day! She loved it. While we mostly talk sports, I learned a lot about her. I learned that she is married, had step-kids (while she never gave birth...she loves her kids just the same), an entrepreneur who lives in Virginia, loves God, and she loves her Warriors. That's her in a nutshell. And don't let this picture fool you...although she looks young...she's 40. Cheryl also came to love Dead End Sports. She would told me this just a few weeks ago...but i already knew it. LOL. She never misses any of our shows. She likes other sports but she LOVES basketball. We've gotten to be real cool over these past few months. She's made this NBA season very entertaining to say the least. She is always ready to talk about her Warriors but you'd better be prepared to "fight" her if you said anything negative about them.

Just before the NBA Playoffs started, Cheryl told me that her husband was taking her to EVERY playoff game for the Warriors. I was surprised. Not only is that a great gesture...but it's an expensive one! LOL. When you add the price of game tickets, hotels, flights, and entertainment...they were about to spend a fortune. But that doesn't matter when you are doing it for...and with the person that you love, right? I told her that her husband, Reggie, had to be a great guy to do that! He even offered for me and my wife to join them at a game. Unfortunately, we couldn't make it because our kids were still in school. I appreciated the offer. To make it even more interesting, Reggie is a fan of the Houston Rockets and they would meet Cheryl's Warriors in the playoffs. I knew she would be talking trash to him for the entire series! LOL. So, they went to all of the games. I think they only missed one of the games in Oklahoma City. Cheryl told me that her blood pressure "spiked" and she had to go to the hospital for a few days. She told me it wasn't much to worry about. Her trips to the playoff games were cool because she would send pictures on twitter to me and the rest of the Dead End Sports crew. Her "in game" tweets were always funny.

Cheryl's "fan dome" was tested when Draymond Green kicked Oklahoma City's Steven Adams in the testicles. While it was clear to most of us that the kick was intentional and should have landed Draymond a suspension...Cheryl thought otherwise. She defended Draymond like she was the late Johnny Cochran! LOL. You couldn't tell her that she was wrong. Debating with her on twitter was fun and I enjoyed instigating her just because I knew how she would react. It was pure comedy.

As the Warriors advanced to the NBA Finals, Cheryl was ecstatic! She would get to see her Warriors win another title. She and Reggie went to Game 1 and 2 in Oakland as well as Game 3 and 4 in Cleveland. Everything was pointing towards the Warriors winning the title. As you know, they didn't win games 5, 6, and 7. Oddly enough, I talked to her on the day of Game 5...and then she disappeared. I mean she vanished from twitter. I sent tweets to response. Then, the Warriors loss Game 7. The whole DES crew was looking for her. We were concerned but we were ready to roast her because her team came up short. LOL. It looked bad because the Warriors loss the game and their biggest fan was nowhere to be found. We were waiting to talk trash to her and she denied us that opportunity because she wasn't on twitter.

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin June 27

@beezy430 @Deuce1042 @12kyle @kbinge

I'm in the hospital guys. warriors trip was on my bucket list

The tweet was a picture of her arm with an IV in it.

I was surprised! I responded by asking her if she was back (meaning back in Virginia). She responded "Unfortunately no, I may not make it back home (meaning to her house). A sista still fighting, tho. Keep me in your prayers." 

By this time, I'm confused. Was her blood pressure too high? What's wrong? Has she been sick during The NBA Finals? Is she ok? What does she mean that she might not make it home??? At this point, I'm beginning to worry. What's wrong with my friend? A few minutes later, she sent me this message...

Hey buddy. I actually need a kidney asap. Unfortunately due to my health, I wasn't able to make the last couple games to see them play but it was like "magic" while I could. It was a "true" bucket list. I enjoyed getting to know u & all the guys. It was so fun bantering back & forth with u guys treating me "normal" & not like "poor sick Cheryl". Hopefully, I can find a kidney soon. I feel great today so that's a blessing. So yes, go ahead & roast me!! I need it! Please let the guys know & keep me in your prayers. I won't go down with a fight, tho.

I was shocked! I responded...

Wow! A kidney?!? I had no idea. That is serious! We'll definitely keep you in prayer. Do you have any idea for how long you'll be in the hospital or how long you'll have to wait for a kidney? Are you back in Va? Do you want me to tell them that you need a kidney? I didn't tell them. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Yes, thats fine, u can tell them about the kidney. I'm tired of hiding it. I'll probably remain in the hospital unless I choose hospice care which scares me. I'm so far down the list for a kidney it's not looking good. However, family is testing at the moment for a match. I'm praying hard for a miracle. When I said I had a testimony & wasn't supposed to be here, thats what I was talking about. I've been feeling amazing that last couple of days. Dialysis takes its toll which is why I hadn't been online. They are giving me a few weeks tops but I'm a fighter & I have an amazing support system. My husband has done everything he could to make my last few weeks freaking amazing. I know u guys always wondered why I grabbed on to u guys so quickly & hard, to be honest, it was because u guys made me so happy & kept my mind off of the reality of my health. I could be myself & laugh & joke & enjoy the thing I loved most "sports". If I lose this fight, I asked my husband to contact u here if thats ok. I just want to thank u, Kyle. People never know how they impact another person sometimes & u really have been such a positive inspiration to me. Your kindness & realness always touched me. My hubby was very thankful to u as well, which is why he invited u & you wife to visit us. I know it seemed odd at the time, he just knew that I had such little time. Again, I'm not giving up. I just wanted u to know how u guys & the show touched me.

At this point...I'm blown away. I had to read the message twice to make sure I understood what was being said. I thanked her for her kind words. I re-assured her that she was a fighter and she would make it. I asked her something that I had never asked her did she find Dead End Sports

I found u guys by chance actually. I was on YouTube searching for Warrior videos & came across u guys. I was immediately hooked. The banter was freaking hilarious. Then I read the comments.... just awesome. I nearly lost my mind when I found out u guys had a live show then I knew I had to follow u on twitter. Ironically, b4 then, I barely used my twitter hahahaha.

I sent an email to the DES crew to let them know what was going on with Cheryl. We were all in disbelief. Things started to make more sense to me. I understood why Reggie took her to those games. I understood why she gravitated toward us. She didn't want any sympathy. She just wanted to be treated the same as everybody else. I made sure that I was going to keep doing that. Although she was in the hospital, that didn't slow her down. She was back on twitter...talking trash...defending her Warriors...and expressing her outrage over the killings of Alton Sterling and Philado Castile. Then she celebrated her birthday on July 4th

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 4

Happy Birthday to meeeee... I'm so blessed to be able to see another year. Hope everyone enjoys their 4th of July!!

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 4

This day has been amazing! Shoutout to my incredible family & friends. I'm so freaking blessed!

Even MORE great news would come that day as her Warriors would be signing Kevin Durant! I assured her that not only would the Warriors be back in the Finals but SHE would be there too!

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 5

Dubz4thawin Retweeted 12kyle

I feel so blessed & awesome Kyle. My ass woke up this morning. I can't & WILL NOT complain. God is good!

12kyle @12kyle

@Dubz4thawin how you feelin today?

Then she got the best news EVER!!!

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 7

It's been confirmed. Guess who got a match? @12kyle @kbinge @QGotNoRings @Deuce1042 @annicejanae @beezy430 @zackyles God Is Good!

Seemingly out of nowhere, there was a match for her kidney. A cousin. She was so excited...yet nervous. We all were happy for her! I reminded her that miracles do happen. I told her to keep believing. And she did. The surgery was set for July 13th. I reassured her that she would be fine

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 8

When does basketball season start again? lol

This tweet made me laugh. You'd have to know Cheryl to know that this is who she is. She loves basketball and she loves the Warriors. She can't wait to see Kevin Durant in that Warriors uniform.

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 9

Can't nobody do me like Jesus!! Can't nobody heal my body!! How can I ever repay you Lord!! *Sang J Moss*

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 9

Having church in my hospital room!!! God got me!

Dubz4thawin ‏@Dubz4thawin Jul 9

Excuse me if I seem a little giddy or strange.. but Praise is the way I say Thanks!!

She has reason to praise the Lord for what he had done.

She had surgery on July 13th to get the new kidney. I talked to her the day before surgery. She was nervous for her cousin. Not for herself. For some reason, I sent her a tweet the next day. I don't know why I assumed that she would be on twitter the day after major surgery. That was silly of me. I guess I wanted some re-assurance that both she and her cousin were ok. Then I git some great news on Saturday (July 16th). I received a message on twitter. It was from Cheryl's account. But it was from her husband, Reggie. He said that she was recovering nicely from the transplant. He thanked me and the DES crew for supporting her and allowing her to escape her situation. I responded by thanking Reggie for delivering the news that I had been waiting to hear. I was happy. I shared the news with the crew. I think everybody breathed a sigh of relief.

On Tuesday (July 19th), I received another message from Reggie telling me that Cheryl had passed away. She died the previous morning (Monday July 18th). He said they were blindsided because she was doing so well. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I dropped my phone on my desk when I read the message. My friend was gone. I shared the news with the rest of the crew. We were all in disbelief. We still are. Cheryl was normally one of the first people who I would talk to in the morning on twitter. Especially over this past month. We'd talk alot. We'd talk about it all. Honestly, I keep going to her twitter account to look for her. I have been doing that for the past month. That's a hard habit to break. Especially when I know she's no longer there.

One of the many lessons that I learned from her is to be passionate and live life to the fullest. She did that. It's the grand scheme of things...I don't know a lot about Cheryl. However, i DO know a lot about her. She told me that she had a testimony. I'm glad she shared that with me and I could share it with you. She told me...

"I wish u guys nothing but the best. Life is so short. Hope u guys all take the time to actually live it."

Trust me...I will.

A true Warrior...Rest in Peace, Cheryl


  1. Wow Kyle, this was very touching. Thank you for sharing. Life is short and people come into our lives to teach us lessons when we least expect it.

    Thank you for sharing, hope all is well with you and the family.


  2. Hey Kyle, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your friend's passing. Sincere condolences to the family and friends.

    I greatly appreciate your sharing, life is indeed precious and we should all live each day to the fullest.

  3. Oh my this was heartbreaking. Sounds like she lived life to the fullest. I'm glad you were able to make a impact on her and her husband. You never know what that means to others..

  4. bro,

    my condolences. this is heartbreaking and im so sad to hear this about your friend. my thoughts are w/u and her family. peace.

  5. Thanks everybody for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Please continue to pray for her family and friends. She will be sorely missed!

  6. Sincerest Condolences Fam, and you don't KNOW...
    I had to take a minute & pull myself together. My My My!
    Prayers for you all and Cheryl's hubby and step children. I pray that you all find comfort in the memories of such a strong beautiful spirit of our sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing this Kyle. Yall take care.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry about your friend Cheryl. She's in the arms of God now. May peace be unto her.

