Friday, January 22, 2016

PODCAST: shout outs

On January 22, 2010...I launched The 12 Radio Show.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was working in Minneapolis at the time. I would work in Minneapolis during the week and fly home back to Atlanta on the weekends.

It was a Friday.

I flew home and got ready to do my first show. I was nervous. I didn't really know what I was doing. The "red light" came on to start the show and I proceeded to start a venture that I would grow to love. It took me about 30 mins to figure out how to take live calls on the air. I had no idea that I'd be here writing and reflecting on that show.

Over the years, there were a lot of people who would go to lend me their time, talent, and support for this show. Since the end of The 12 Radio Show in December 2015, I didn't get a chance to officially thank those who helped and co-hosted on my shows over the years.

In keeping with the 80s style, this podcast is the Shout Outs giving shout outs to everybody who contributed to The 12 Radio Show.


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