Thursday, April 24, 2014

throwback thursday (allergic2crazy)

*re-post from 2010*

I don't have any allergies...

Well...I do have one

I'm allergic to crazy people. Crazy women in particular. I had an allergic reaction to one. Wanna hear about it?? Of course you do!

Back in '98, I was a young bachelor who had just moved to Atlanta. Since I was new to the city, I felt the need to branch out and meet new people because I didn't know anybody. I was working for a finance company at the time. I liked the environment and I liked the potential growth.

One day at work, my supervisor advised me that we would be having lunch with some clients. I really didn't feel like going to lunch with the clients that day because I figured that I'd be meeting with a bunch of old stiffs who wanted to talk about the stock market all day. I wasn't interested but I had to go. To my surprise, there was a young lady at the lunch meeting. Her name was Toni. I was surprised to see her because the lunch meetings usually consisted of men. Toni was cute, too. We sat next to each other during the meeting. She told me that she had graduated from Spelman College. She was enrolled in the Masters program at Georgia Tech. When she saw my championship ring, she asked where I played football. She told me that she was a big football fan. Over the lunch, I realized that we had a lot in common. After the meeting, we exchanged phone numbers.

I took her number because I wanted to get to know as many people as I could. I wasn't looking for a girlfriend. I had just broken up with my girlfriend (now wife). So, I was a free agent, right (lol)???

Toni called me a few days. We talked on the phone for 2 hours. The conversation started out on a professional tip. She changed it quickly made it personal. I was ok with that. We discussed our likes/dislikes and previous relationships. We talked the next day for 2 hours. I learned a lot about her. And I'm sure that she learned a lot about me. A few days passed...I didn't hear from her and I didn't call her. That was cool with me. I was busy with work. Then, one day at work...I got 2 voicemails while I was at lunch. The voicemails were from Toni. I'm not sure why she was calling. I was swamped at work that day so I didn't get a chance to return her calls.

I worked late that day. It was a Friday. As much as I wanted to kick it with my boy JFresh, I was tired from work and I wasn't going out. I got home at 7:30. When I checked my caller ID box (ole skool), I noticed that Toni had called me 5 times. She didn't leave a message though! I found that to be weird. I sat down on my couch to watch tv. All of a sudden, I heard a knock at my door. That was strange. Nobody knocks at my door because nobody knew where I lived except JFresh. I lived in an a gated apartment complex. I dunno who it was. I opened the door...and it was Toni. I was shocked!

Me : Toni!?? What are you doing here?

Toni : You told me that you lived on Candler Road. I was in the area so I figured that I would stop by to see you.

Me: How did you get into the gate?

Toni : Oh...the gate was broken. I drove around and I saw your car. I saw an old man outside and he told me where you lived

Me : Yeah, that was my dude, Amos. So...why are you here???

Toni : Do you want to hang out with me tonight? Do you want to go to dinner or something?

Me : Um...

Toni : You don't wanna hang with me? Is there somebody HERE? *she starts to look around my apartment as if she was my momma*

Me : Nah. It's not that. I'm 'sposed to be hanging with JFresh. He just broke up with his girl and he's gonna need somebody to talk to. Tonight is not a good time. I'll call you later

I proceeded to PUSH Toni out of the door to my apartment. I couldn't believe that she tried to blow up my spot like that. Keep in mind that I had only known Toni for a total of 6 days and 4 hours of telephone conversations. Ten minutes later, my phone is ringing. It's Toni. I don't answer the phone. She leaves me a nasty voicemail...

"Kyle...this is Toni! I don't know what your problem is. I thought you were different but you're just like the rest of these men around here. You didn't even have enough manners to walk me out to my car! You aint shit! You're just like the rest of them! *CLICK*

Wow! Maybe I should have walked her to her car because Candler Road in Decatur, Ga is STRAIGHT hood! However, I don't know how I got to that point with her. I guess she was right...I'm like the rest of them.

Allergic 2 crazy people!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Poor Kyle. Poor Toni as well.

    I can't speak for all women but I think we sometimes battle between whether or not we are coming on strong enough.

    She went way over the edge though!Hopefully she learned that her behavior was unacceptable.

    I hope you got on old man Amos for ratting you out! LOL
