Saturday, December 14, 2013

graduation day

17 years ago today...I did it. December 14, 1996

I accomplished one of the biggest goals that I've ever had.

I graduated from college.

I totally enjoyed every minute that I spent at South Carolina State University. I went there as a young boy and left as a man. When I graduated from high school, I really didn't appreciate it because it was just a stepping stone in my eyes. But this was different. This was where I wanted to be.

As a football player, I spent many hours in Oliver C Dawson Stadium. But there were none more important than the 3 hours of our commencement ceremony. I was happy to have my family, friends, and crew there to see me graduate. Many of them watched me play on Saturdays in that stadium. But the cheers that I got when I crossed the stage were the most important cheers that I'd ever receive.

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was in the low 50s so I tried to stay warm during the ceremony. Ken Chenault, the first African American CEO of American Express, spoke at the ceremony. I don't remember much of what he said but I do remember one thing. 

He said...

"Never be too busy blazing your trail to stop and look back at where you have come from." 

Those words never left me.

pictured here with 2 of my partners in crime...teammates & homies for life...Moe & Russell

I'm thankful for the 5 1/2 years at South Carolina State (the business department was no, the good and the bad experiences...they were life lessons. I'm thankful for the people who were in my life before I got to college and those who came into my life during college. The experiences helped me into the man that I am today.

Bulldog for life.

I bleed GARNET & BLUE.

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