Monday, April 22, 2013

your favorite athlete is gay...

Your favorite athlete is gay...

Lebron James is a queer...

Peyton Manning is a fag...

Derek Jeter is a homo...

Danica Patrick is a dyke...

Yeah...your favorite athlete is gay. The cat is out of the bag. Now what? How do you feel? Does it even matter?

My hope is that you would say that it DOESN'T matter. Personally, I could care less if my favorite athlete (or anybody else for that matter) is gay. That's their personal choice. It's none of my business who these people sleep with. And who I sleep with is none of their business. Honestly, I think the above mentioned athletes are straight. We assume that they are. But we don't know because we don't know them personally. And it really doesn't matter if they were. Not to me at least.

There has been some discussion in the sports world that there are "as many as FOUR current NFL players who may come out of the closet." They should! Now may be the best time to do it. I think most people would be willing to accept a gay teammate in their locker room. Truth be told, there are already gay players in all major sports. If teams don't think they have gay players on their roster, then they are delusional. The numbers suggest that they are there. I think it would be a great thing. Come out of the closet. Be who you are. Anybody with an open mind would be ok with it. I know there are some who will say "well, in the Bible it says blah, blah, blah." Kill that noise. I believe in the Bible but it was written a gazillion years ago and everybody's interpretation of it is different. (I wish I had time to talk about how "church folk" talk about inclusion of all people but are quick to look down on gays and lesbians...but that's not a part of today's discussion). 

Recently, there has been some pictures to surface online of NFL player Kerry Rhodes and his personal "assistant" on vacation. While Rhodes has denied being gay, the pictures of him sharing intimate hugs and laughs with this man could suggest otherwise. Would there be backlash if he came out? Not really. I think Rhodes...and any other player would feel relief that they no longer had to hide their secret. 

We are all different and we all do different things. If we worried more about ourselves and not about other peoples personal business...things would be much better. 


  1. PREACH big bro! You broke it down so it can forever and consistently be broke!

  2. It shouldn't matter but unfortunately it will to a lot of people and sponsors. For sponsors it will be about selling to middle America.
