Wednesday, March 20, 2013

my sister doesn't like you

For the past few days, my son Brandon has been talking about his girlfriend at school.

They are both 6 yrs old.

Today he said that he wanted her to come over and play. He said he wanted her to play with Skyler, too. Keep in mind that Skyler is only 18 months old...but I played along with the conversation as I held in my laugh.

I said to him..."Skyler may not like your girlfriend. In fact, she may not like many of your girlfriends. But it's ok. She's your sister and that is how she may be sometimes but it's ok."

Brandon looked puzzled. He could not understand why his baby sister would NOT like his girlfriend. He'll learn one day. Sometimes if a girl is not liked by your sister, she doesn't stick around. Women are very protective of their brothers. They know how other women are. Sometimes they can see the BS that men don't see. People always tell me how hard it will be for the baby girl to date with THREE older brothers and a somewhat protective, gun carrying father. But it's going to be hard for them too. If Skyler doesn't like their girlfriends, there is gonna be problems. My oldest son, Deion, is 12 yrs older than her. They are very similar to me and my sister. We are 13 yrs apart but we didn't grow up in the same house. I can't say that I've been blown away by any of her boyfriends but I have respected her decisions. Conversely, I made sure that I didn't bring alot of girls around her. In fact, I can think of only 3 that she liked (she loves my the way). I can think of one that she didn't like...and she told me! LOL. The rest of em never met her.

So, I want to prepare Brandon, Kameron, and Deion and let them know that Skyler may not give her approval of who they bring home...choose wisely! Her opinion will matter to them. As a parent, I think you should try not to get too attached to who your child is dating. Relationships will come and go. They will all experience some form of heartbreak. It happens to us all. I just want them to grow from it and move forward. I will continue to let them know that it's important that their parents like their girlfriends...but if their little sister don't like's a wrap!

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