Sunday, December 9, 2012


And so it is here...another year.

But this year is different.

This year I slide into 40! Today! And it feels good.

I had to take a moment to reflect and express my thanks. It's amazing to know that I've been around for 40 yrs. That's not old...that's a blessing. The great part is that I know I've got 75 more years left.

Thank you for all the well wishes. I really do appreciate them all. Thanks to everybody who came and partied with me this weekend! It means alot to see my family and friends travel from near and far just to spend time with me. Thanks to those who wanted to be here but couldn't.

Growing up, I never felt comfortable with people making a fuss over my birthday. Not sure why. As I've gotten older, I've accepted it. Lol. And I am grateful

One Love

1 comment:

  1. I still think you should've been laaaaaid out on a sandy beach somewhere with a cold adult beverage in your hand. Such a milestone! But that's ok?

    Why wasn't I invited to the party! *kicks rocks at you*

    I am glad you had a great time. 40 is something special.
