Tuesday, June 26, 2012

that's why she DON'T have a man

"Mannnnn, if a woman is over 30...college educated...attractive...smart...has a good job...has her own crib...no kids...and DOESN'T have a man...SHE IS CRAZY!!!"

When I heard Paul say those words, I paused for a second. It caught me off guard. Before I could reply, he added...

"Even if she has a kid or kids...and no man??? You KNOW she CRAZY!!!!"

The circle of dudes all burst into laughter. I chuckled at Paul...not because of what he said...but because of how he said it and his strong Brooklyn accent. He's a funny dude. Was he correct? Not even close. 

For some reason, we all seem to succumb to society's definition of what or who we should be. You've all heard it before. We all should be married with children and a career by a certain age. And for some reason, we fall into the trap of that realm of thinking. Who wants to be defined by a few people? I don't think anybody should want that. 

Back to Paul's statement. I could have corrected him. But who am I to tell him that women ain't crazy. I know he's dealt with a few crazy women. LOL. Seriously, you have to look deeper into it...

Maybe she's single because...she's not ready for a relationship

Maybe she's single because...she is focused on her career and doesn't have time to devote to dating nor a relationship

Maybe she's single because...she just got out of a relationship

Maybe she's single because...she is waiting for Mr. Right

Maybe she's single because...she has watched her girlfriends run down the aisle and not be ready for marriage and she refuses to become a statistic

Maybe she's single because...she is afraid of committing

Maybe she's single because...she actually enjoys being single and not having to "answer" to a man

Maybe she's single because...she likes traveling the globe and she can't handle a long distance relationship

Maybe she's single because...she thinks all of the good men are engaged or married

Maybe she's single because...she knows that a lot of male egos will be bothered by her degrees and six figure salary

Maybe she's single because...she is tired of dealing with trifling men who don't know what they want...but know they want sex...but don't want a commitment...but don't want her with another man.

Now...Paul could have been right. Maybe she is crazy...but i think it's probably one of the reasons that I listed more than it is her being crazy. 


  1. Great observations. Life is complex and all situations are varied and different. Nice to see a man truly does understand this.

  2. Wow, bruh. I think you hit the nail on the head.

    I'm ashamed to say that I can use only one hand to count the number of women I know who are in healthy relationships... and still have fingers left over.

    But, hey... I got a man, even if I ain't totally happy, and every body thinks well of me... and that's what's key... right?

    No, that's what's... unhealthy.

    Anyway, good post, sir. You got to the heart of the matter.

  3. Yup! There are numerous reasons why and those who understand don't make blanket statements. 'ppreciate ya :-)

  4. she is tired of dealing with trifling men who don't know what they want...but know they want sex...but don't want a commitment...but don't want her with another man. <------This. Real-est thing I've read all morning. I can relate to a lot of the reasons given. Thank you for not putting us all in one box.

  5. Very nice article. On point. :)
