Thursday, May 13, 2010

404 times

It's a celebration!!!

Of sorts...

This is my 404th blog post!

You may be asking...Why are you celebrating your 404th post?

Well...I'm celebrating blog post #404 simply because I missed the 400th post! Hahahahah

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for coming to this blog every day. I started this blog back in 2007. I was going through a lot at the time. The company that I worked for had gone out of business. I had a great deal of frustration. I wasn't really sure how to handle it.

At the time, my fam, LRenee had just established her blog. I would check it out and comment every day. She encouraged me to start my own blog. What? Start my own blog? Nah. What would I talk about? I was unemployed at the time. Was I supposed to blog about the unemployment line blues? She advised me to write about whatever I was feeling.

And I did

With time, I got better at it. I remember when Don came through and commented on my blog. I went to his blog to return the favor and I saw that he knew 100 other bloggers. I was impressed. I wanted to get 40 people to comment on my posts. But I quickly learned that it's not about that. It's about the enjoyment that you get from writing. If people feel compelled to comment, then that's great. The objective is to get them to READ your blog. That's it. You should write your blog as if nobody is reading because at one point in time...nobody was.

After that, I met my blog sis, Eb the Celeb. I liked the way she wrote on her blog. Then I met Pretty Black. Then Pro. Then, I linked with more bloggers. Soon after that, I felt like an official blogger.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to make a great deal of new friends and new family. It's funny because I have only met a handful of you. But I feel like I know you. And you feel like you know me. Some of the crew have gone from blogging to twitter/facebook to blackberry messenger with me. And it's all love. I appreciate this connection with you. Thank you for supporting the 12th Planet and 12 Radio.

Thank you for coming out. You could be anywhere in the world. And you're here with me. I appreciate that. - Jay Z

Pop bottles. Raise your glasses.


  1. Pretty Black...aww I miss her. She sent me a book on being a lady. ROTFL

  2. Awwwww congrats Kdizzle! And I do feel like I know you man!

  3. Congratulations! I'm a relatively new reader, as you know, but I keep coming back. :)

  4. Nice blog :) I'll be back.

  5. Wow. I can understand by one but by four?

  6. AnonymousMay 13, 2010

    Congrats on post 404!!

  7. I feel you Kyle, congrats. Thought the 404 was an ATL reference.

    Still waiting on you and Mrs. 12Kyle to make a Salsa appearance!!

  8. Wow 404! I wanna be like you when I grow

    Congrats! Any reason to celebrate is good with me. Keep up the great work...your blogs make me think, reflect, and laugh. We all need a little bit of all three of those activities in our lives regularly, so thanks for being the catalyst.

  9. Well...I'm celebrating blog post #404 simply because I missed the 400th post! Hahahahah


    Thanks for the shout. It doesn't seem like the years have passed but they have, most definitely!

    Agreed - pretty much anytime a person writes a blog post they have to write exclusively for themselves. In the end, he or she will be the one who really goes back and are able to reflect anyway.


  10. Oh. Prettyblack sent me an email saying she was planning to create another blog. That was awhile ago though.

  11. Congratulations 12kyle. Couldn't imagine the blogsphere without you!

  12. AnonymousMay 13, 2010

    Congrats Kyle. I thought "404" was reference to ATL too.

  13. All sentimental and stuff... And here I thought the 404 represented the Aye. Clever eh? You've been an inspiration to me both on and off public comments while I struggled with career direction and/or my state of nothingness and it meant a lot to have you reach out. I've had mad respect for you since day one! You've become the love to annoy me out of mutual respect brother and I wouldn't change that! Keep writing and posting and continuing on to bigger Blog Talk things. You have a lot more to offer these newbies out here and even us old heads always can stand a lil' wisdom er now and again...even if it's laced with sarcasm or bad NBA playoff calls! #HawksSuck

  14. Congrats! I've been blogging for almost two years and haven't made it to 100!

  15. Congrats Kyle. I remember when you came on the scene. Had on that Falcons gear.

    You are an absolute GREAT addition to the blog family. Glad we met, albeit briefly, and I always look forward to your posts.

  16. CONGRATS on the 404th post :-) I'll get there one day. LOL

  17. Lol, congrats I hope I'll make that number by this time next year if not sooner.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  18. Congrats big bruh. I have loved your blog for almost 2 years now. Keep it going!

  19. brother kyle, i have transcended from the pretty circle into another pot, lol...check me out. i linked you ;-)

  20. @ Everybody
    Thanks for all of the great comments. As always, 'preciate the love

  21. I think you did that 404 on purpose to rep the A! LOL
