Monday, October 12, 2009

droppin lines

droppin lines

stole this from XXL magazine. check it out, tho.

1. My favorite thing about ATLANTA (fill in your city) is the proud culture and heritage of black people here

2. If I wasn't in my current field of profession, I would be in sports and entertainment

3. The person I would like most to meet is Barack Obama

4. If I had a reality show, it would be called The 12th Planet! Duh!

5. One of my favorite things to do is to play with my sons

6. My idea of a good time is dinner and a movie with the wife. Drinks and laughs with the crew

7. My least favorite food is liver

8. The sexiest thing about a women is her eyes

9. The one word that describes me best is unique

10. If I could bring back any musician not alive right now, it would be Biggie! Nuff said!

11. I never leave home without my blackberry

12. My season is spring...minus the pollen. Spring time in Atlanta is downright beautiful

13. When I drink, I laugh a lot and act silly

14. The best show on tv is Entourage

15. My favorite city to travel to is New York City...the city never sleeps

16. One thing people don't know about me is that I am extremely loyal

17. What I'm scared of the most is losing a loved one

18. One DVD everyone should have in their collection is Scarface

19. Ten years from now, I'll be on top...right where I belong!

20. One of the most important thing that I've learned is to always think postitvely. Your actions begin with your thoughts.


  1. #10 is so true man. The game would definitely not be what it is today if Biggie were still here.

    I'm not usually into the surveys and what not but I may have to borrow this one 4 the blog man.

  2. I liked this one. I'll have to come back and provide answers of my own.

  3. Awww look at a 'young Kyle'!!! To cute! I concur, especially w/ 3,10,11,13, and 18. Oh yea..I'm stealing this one and doing it too! LOL

  4. I'm going to take this too since I have nothing else to blog about today...*smile.*

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like this too. You threw me off with the liver

  7. Wow, they still make XXL?? LOL

    Good answers. I'll stash this away for a rainy blog day..

  8. Good post! You and BIL both favorite thing to do is play with the kids. I'll be glad when he stop trying to push his habit on me! LOL



  9. you aint unique... and hurry up and bring ya ass to the big apple... stop talking about it and be about it bruh


  10. awww dinner and movie with the wife...such teh romantic
