Friday, May 8, 2009



when did it become cool to make a fool of yourself on national tv...

when did it become cool to lack respect and self discipline...

when did it become cool to allow young kids to cuss at grown people...

when did it become cool to expect maximum results despite giving lackluster efforts...

when did it become cool to be dumb...

when did it become cool to disrespect women...

when did it become cool to be a hoe...and be proud of it...

when did it become cool to have kids and not be in their lives to watch them grow...

when did it become cool to spend money foolishly...

when did it become cool to tell every detail about your business...

when did it become cool to be proud to lose control...

when did it become cool to love him/her...more than you love yourself...

when did it become cool to have your pants fallin off your azz...

when did it become cool to worry about color...

when did it become cool not to care...

if this defines cool...well...

i guess i'm lame.


  1. it has never been cool. this was poetic justice to the sign of the times. Big^ on this joint!

  2. It's not cool. Period.

  3. I guess I am also lame because I have been wondering the same thing. What happened to morals, values, and pure respect not only for yourself, but others!!!

  4. Great post...ditto to all...

  5. AMEN!!! If that is what cool is, then I'M NOT COOL and perfectly fine with it!!!!!! It's sad that people have grown accustomed to striving for less, wanting less, doing less, and expecting less, and giving less :-/

  6. I wonder the same things on a daily basis Kyle

    Self respect, respect for others, and good manners are now the exception not the norm.

    Its sad the way the world has gone, its our duty now to raise a better generation

  7. TRU!!!! I guess we are all part of the lame bunch cause I agree with all the was said. Live a good life world..... Not a bad one. Let's all grow UP!

  8. I blame reality TV and our thirst for knowing other people's business and our inner voyeur. I know I'm guilty of it at times, but that mess is poison.

    We all need to step back and regroup!

  9. I sooooooooo agree...I hope you don't mind if I send this post around through my email.

  10. I've wondered the same things myself...over and over again..
    I agree with Pro..It's not cool,
    none of it.

  11. Now Kyle, you know there's always been (and unfortunately, there will always be) jackasses who think it's cool to act and be stupid. Sad, but true. This post reminds me of my granny. :-)

  12. I think the majority of us don't think it's cool but unfortunately you're always going to have the ones saying "yeah yeah yeah! *sigh*

  13. Nope your not lame!! We're just living in days where nothing, not even a human life is valued and that's just sad.

  14. U forgot one!

    When is it cool to be so negative!

    Great post!

  15. Not lame, just tellin' the truth. sometimesiwunderaboutthesethingstoo...also the one The Dreamy One mentioned about negativity.

  16. When did it become cool to disrespect women. Great post....I guess we both are lame because I wonder the same things sometimes.

  17. these things became cool when you start to get paid to do it

  18. Man, I've thought this way my whole life and as cool as I am, I seem to always be in the minority, so I guess I'm really uncool. Welcome to the club.
