Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today is a different day.

Different from yesterday.

Or is it?

While we're feeling the love, joy, and pride from watching a black man become President of the United States and leader of the free world. Somebody is homeless now...b/c of their love for him and the ignorance shown by some coward.

I hate to bring bad news on a day like today but I had to share this story. A far as we THINK we've come...we've got sooooo far to go.

Suspicious fire destroys home while owner in D.C. for inauguration
By Julie Arrington
Staff Writer

This house on Lanier Drive in northeastern Forsyth County burned to the ground about 4:30 a.m. Sunday. Investigators say the fire is suspicious.
Authorities are investigating a suspicious weekend house fire they say occurred while the homeowner, a single mother of three, was in Washington, D.C., for the presidential inauguration.
They also are trying to determine if she may have been targeted because of her support for President-elect Barack Obama.
No one was home when the house on Lanier Drive in northeastern Forsyth County burned to the ground about 4:30 a.m. Sunday. Someone spray-painted graffiti that included the phrase “your black boy will die” on a fence along the property.
Forsyth County Fire Marshal Steve Anderson said Monday the fire is considered “suspicious,” but would not say it was racially motivated.
“What we’re doing right now is we’re investigating a suspicious house fire,” he said. “There are indications that there may have been some type of terroristic threat.
"We can not verify that at this time, not knowing how [the graffiti] got there, who it was for, several things. But right now we’re just looking at it as a suspicious fire with suspicious circumstances.”
Anderson said he spoke briefly on the phone with homeowner Pam Graf, who is on her way back to Georgia from the nation's capital. He plans to meet with her Tuesday.
Attempts to reach Graf for comment Monday were not successful. But her father, William Morrow, said he thinks she was targeted because of her political views.
Morrow said Graf had two Obama campaign signs in her yard before the fire. He wasn’t sure what happened to one sign, but said he asked her to remove the other after she received a negative letter about a week before the fire.
Morrow said the letter addressed her political views, though he couldn't remember any specifics from it that his daughter had shared with him.
He said she had taken the sign out of her yard before she left Friday.
Anderson said if fire investigators determine that the graffiti is a possible threat against Obama, they will involve the Secret Service. The department's Atlanta field office was closed Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
“Once I sit down and talk with her and we can discuss this a little bit more in depth, if we feel that’s what it is we’ll call them and give them the information and see what they want to do,” he said.
Anderson said the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office has been notified, but is not yet involved in the investigation.
“It’s ongoing and we’ve got investigators out today working on it,” Anderson said, adding that the sheriff’s office has offered to help.
“If we need it, we’re going to take advantage of it,” he said. “We’re still very early in, we’re still trying to collect information dealing with the fire. At this point in time, we can’t even say the fire was an intentionally set fire, it’s just suspicious.”
Graf's three children did not travel with her over the weekend, but stayed with family.
William Morrow said Graf did not actively campaign for Obama in Forsyth County. A few years ago, however, she lived in Delaware and supported 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry.
He said Graf told him she attended a Democratic party meeting last week, but he was not sure of her involvement in the group.
Lanier Drive winds along a heavily wooded peninsula dotted with homes that juts out into Lake Lanier.
Crime scene tape wrapped around the charred remains of the house Monday. A basketball goal, go-kart and some outdoor furniture were just a few of Graf’s belongings not scorched by the flames.
The foundation and what appears to have been part of the front of the house are all that’s left of the structure.
Forsyth Fire Capt. Jason Shivers said the house was “beyond fully involved” in flames when firefighters got there and it “had already experienced some structural collapse.”
Monday afternoon, Morrow was still in disbelief. The incident, he said, “doesn’t represent the community."
"It doesn’t represent Forsyth County,” he said. “And I just can’t believe this is what’s happening.”


  1. I'm kinda glad you posted that story. Not that im familiar with that article, but just know that while yesterday was a great day in our history, we still live with hatred happening and some folks think that just because of a black president, things just will automatically go our way.

    We have a long way to go, and it started over yesterday.

  2. What transpired yesterday has brought out hidden agendas in many. Racism is a lack of understanding. Whether one wants to understand or not, one day we will all understand.

  3. I heard about that, and it's utterly sad to me.

  4. It's a shame that there are still people out there filled with some much anger and hatred. All you can do is pray for the people who did it, and pray for the victim and her family.

    Thankfully no one was home.

  5. I would love to say that I'm surprised but I am not.
    I think the rest of the world tends to forget that outside of ATL, Augusta and Columbus, Georgia is still very rural and very much segregated and hate and racism thrives there. And that could be interchangeable with any other southern state.
    It's sad that that they have to go home to nothing. Is there any information about anything being done for them?

  6. Yo, I was trying to school my son last night about the degree of hatred that some people feel for others. Maybe I was never in a position to hate people like that? I don't know. But I can't even fathom how you'd want to kill another human being just because he looks different than you. Or worships a different God. Back in the 50's and 60's you could get killed for smiling at a white woman. What is that?

  7. @ O
    I agree, homie! I agree 100 percent!

    @ Jewells
    I hope we live to see that day.

    @ Beautifully.Conjured.Up
    See how the lady tries to "defend" the area that they live in? Gimme a break.

    @ Ra
    I can't imagine going to DC to celebrate such an event only to come home to nothing.

    @ Smarty Jones
    No doubt. This area isn't even considered to be rural. It's an Atlanta suburb. Years ago, they had Klan rallies there to protest the King Holiday.

    @ Brad
    Where have you been, bruh? LoL

    This is the stuff that we should show our kids. As much as we think we've made progres...we haven't.

  8. Stuff like this breaks my heart but just shows that no matter how many steps we think we've taken forward, we're really still behind. I mean my goodness..

  9. Forsythe County, GA has ALWAYS been racist. That's the same county that Oprah did a show from many years ago because of the racism that exists their. How they can make the following statement just blows me away.

    “suspicious,” but would not say it was racially motivated

    They know the real deal, they just don't want any attention right now.

  10. That made me so sad reading that, thank you for posting.

  11. "That black boy will die" is not racially motiviated???!?!?!?! If not, then what the heck is it?

    I cannot understand the idea of having that hatred for someone simply because of the color of their skin. Just the idea of it boggles my mind!

    And I am sure that the neighbors didn't see or hear anything.

  12. this dont surprise me. and i did not hear anything about this on the news....

    but they still looking for the little white girl

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. For the 1st time i've been blogging...i'll be writing a re-traction. Well, sort of.

    My story was posted on 1-21. But the story has taken a strange twist to my surprise. I thought the lady who's house burned down was a black woman. NOT! She's white. And according to the police, she is suspected as creating this whole hoax.

