Monday, December 22, 2008

mixtape monday

Enjoy the mixtape!!!

I Used to Love H.E.R

Lil Kim
Ladies Night

Little Brother
Lovin It

De La Soul
Baby Phat

To my football did your team do this weekend. Well, after a year that saw our quarterback go to jail for fighting some damn dogs...and the punk ass coach Atlanta Falcons drafted Matt Ryan...hired a rookie coach named Mike Smith...and we are headed to the PLAYOFFS!!! How ill is that?? What did your team do?



  1. I'm on Common Strike though the song is dope
    You DO have my fav group De La on there so I fux witcha

    Congrats to the Falcons, I said I wanted them and the Bears to make the playoffs, because they are fun to watch.

    I'll have my picks once it's all said and done.

    Hey, who knew about the off the dome joints? Good look.


  2. That Ladies Night joint is hot...I love that. Ironically, it gets me going - lol.

  3. YAAAAY for the are so right.

    I used to love that Ladies Night song...all dem foine MEN! I need a ladies night like that, but when i go out...they don't look like that!

    Happy Holidays 12K!

  4. I feel eclectik...I can't even listen to Common after his last album. Something went wrong. But This joint is classic.

    Little Brother... I love that song. I wish they would have came out with a video for the Yo-Yo Song.

    Falcons looking nice....My Raiders on the other hand actually won a game!

  5. Luv Common and DLS. Little Brother is not known at all here in NY/NJ. If it wasn't for blogs I wouldn't even know who they are. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Kim with a passion!

  6. I use to love her is so appropriate right now, cause HIP Hop is a hot mess!

    Look at Lil Kim when she was black, poor thing done mess herself right on up!

    football,We were a football free household last night, we were all sleeping. but I heard the Giants won.

  7. My team did what it does best now of days..Lose and make getting to the playoffs a little harder..The Birds aren't mathematically out of it yet..but they're just one loss away from that.

    That Common song was the truth man..I always loved it.

    You know I love De La Soul...anything they de la did..
    (Okay, couldn't resist that.-lolol)

    The Little Kim song was hot...Back then I thought everything Kim did was hot..then she went and got all this plastic surgery. Did she learn
    nothing from Michael Jackson??

    I never heard of Little Brother..
    Could be cause I'm from Up North and they never played him much up here if at all.

    Congrats to your Falcons..At least
    one group of Birds has a decent shot at the playoffs...Always next
    year though! (smiles)

  8. The Lions set a record.........

  9. I love that Common sound!

    De La is hot!

    Lil Kim this is when she still was cute before she decided to cut off her damn nose! This song is ok to me. Her best shyt was off of Hardcore and when she was with Junior Mafia!

    Lil have to be a Hip Hop head to know about them on the East Coast but everyone I know loves them. The Teacher put me on to them last year! He had me looking all over for the city for the cd that came out last year! Barely anyone had it! One of the Circuit City's said they only got 3 copies in! I like them!

    My Niners pulled it off yesterday! We won by 1 point! Yaaaayyy! Although we won't be in the playoffs(yet again) maybe next year!

  10. *sniff, sniff* The wack ass NY Giants handed my team their asses yesterday.
    Though it was a good game, I need for my boys to get some consistency about their game.
    I never know which team I'm going to see. That will not cut it in the playoffs.
    Sunday, we're walking all over the Saints, but until then, I'm brooding. Add to that the fact that my fantasy team got stomped yesterday, Sunday was not a good day for Smarty Jones football. :-(

  11. Not feeling any of these.

  12. Just came by to wish U & the Family a Wonderful HollerDay!!

  13. @ e
    Was common's cd THAT bad? I didn't get it yet

    @ Darius
    Haaaa!! I hear you

    @ Miz
    You are too funny. Maybe they do look like that but they can't take off their clothes. LOL

    @ dessex
    Aw shyt! You don't like Com's joint either? I think you, e, and me have similar music tastes. If y'all say it's garbage...then it prolly is.

    @ OD
    I gotta put you up on Little Brother. They are tight!

    @ The F$%K it List
    The problem is that hip hop has given way to rap. Rap is is the problem.

  14. @Keith
    Mannnnnnnnnn, the Eagles came sooooo close!!!! I hated to see them lose like that. I think they are gonna beat Dallas, tho.

    @ Just O
    *sigh* We prayin for y'all, bruh

    @ ShellyShell
    You can't go wrong with De La Soul. They always seem to put out good music. They haven't disappointed me.

    @ Smarty Jones
    You never know which Panther team is gonna show up on Sunday

    @ clnmike
    sorry to disappoint you. lol

    @ cap
    same to youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

  15. WHAT WHAT!?!? Don't act like you didn't see my Giants do the damn thing. WOO HOO!!!!!

    During the game I was IMing my friend, a Panthers fan, and after we won I sent him a YouTube video of Snoopy doing his little dance. You know the one I mean? HA!! That's what he gets!!
