Saturday, July 26, 2008

disaster at lunch...dolce pt 2

Two weeks ago, my boy Rezidl was in town. We went out to dinner at this restaurant called Dolce. The food was great but the service was HORRIBLE!! Our waiter must have been some type of magician b/c the dude kept disappearing. He'd take our orders and then leave and wouldn't come back to even check on us. Very crappy service.

So, I thought that I had reached my "bad restaurant service quota" for the month. That was until I had lunch today. Here is a copy of the email that I sent to Rezidl while i was on my lunch break.

Check this out...

I'm in the city so I decide to get some lunch at Fatburger. I've been here plenty of times. The food is good and I like their turkey burger. Anyway, I should've known that I was in trouble when the chick who took my order had to keep asking the manager how to place the order (warning sign #1). I ordered a turkey burger with lettuce, no tomato, no onion, with cheese and bacon, a drink, and skinny fries. I sit down and wait for them to bring my food.

I made my drink and sat down. A few mins later, a chick comes over with my food but the fries are wrong. I told her that I ordered the skinny fries. She takes em back. A different chick comes back with a new order...turkey burger and skinny fries. Before she can put my food down...she knocks over my drink (Hi-C Orange) and it spills all over my damn pants and tie!!!! I look like I just pissed all over myself. She's embarrassed and apologetic. It's her 1st day on the job and it shows.

I tried to get the stuff off me. She gets me a new drink. After 5 mins of cleaning up and apologizing, I sat down to eat. I'm pissed off...and wet...might as well eat, right? I look at my turkey has tomatoes and onions!!! WTF! I tell them and they bring back a new burger. The new burger is missing the bacon and cheese!!! Arrrrrrrrgh! I'm really pissed now. I tell em and they FINALLY get it right. After all that, you'd think I'd get a free meal or something, right? Damn!


  1. First AGAIN!! This time sober! LOL!
    I would've demanded from the management my next meal be free & any dry cleaning paid for! 12k in a tie I'd love to see;-)

  2. Dang, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I've had my fair share of horrible service. I deal with it by subtracting from their tip the moment I sit down. Then if it really sucks, I complain about everything...make them bring stuff out and take it back over and over again...then I say I'm not hungry anymore and walk out or I ask for another waiter because by this time, I bet they are ready to spit in my food or something...LOL, its fun...try it :)

  3. and they could have gave you a free meal. no you should have demanded a free meal.

    they are so wrong for that one,lol

    anywho honey hope that you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. oh yeah, and im getting over here early now! still not first though... *pouts*

  5. Hey Brother!

    I would have definitely left out of there with a couple of burgers or SOMETHING!!!....I wouldn't have been mean but they would have heard about their bad service.....Did you and your boy complain at Dolce?

  6. LOL oh no, that sucks booty

    for some reason i can't see you pissed off lol

    but at that point a free lunch AND a refund wouldve been expected

  7. I agree with everyone else a free meal should have been offered and the offer to pay for your drycleaning. Anyways have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Fatburger... I want one of those in NY. ok back to the post

    See up here in NYC I would have had two free meals, the current and future one. And spilling soda on my clothes, yeah no.

    Now I want a burger thanks 12K

  9. never heard of it. nor dulce.

    i try to stay away from fast food spots now-a-days. i just cook all my own stuff.

    also, you are a good one for sending stuff back, i will never do that

  10. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    Hell to the Naw!

    Ain't no way I'm going for that! I would've been complimentary for the month, plus dry cleaning paid for. They tried to play you homeboy!

    Next time tell em, you know Tony OH... They'll get it

  11. It happened to me at IHOP...I did a post on it ("Pancake Flip") and Zack Kirk had a simular tale to tell about Church's Chicken. Go Bytch had an incident too this week..also in a Church's Chicken.
    It must be open season on bloggers week.

  12. @ everybody
    Thanks for your responses. Maybe I was in a good mood b/c I SHOULD have gotten more for my troubles.

  13. Lol! Wouldn't go there anymore...

  14. AnonymousJuly 30, 2008

    Oh hex now. They did you like that??? That's real messed up. They could've at least gave you the meal for free. I would have demanded the manager after I got the correct order=) And I didn't know Fatburger had turkey burgers....hmmmm. Might have to check that one out in another city other than Atlanta.
