Monday, June 2, 2008

Off tha Dome

The NBA has struck gold with having the Lakers vs the Celtics in the Finals. This takes me back to the days of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird

Celtics will win in 6 games

There should be mandate in the rap world. If you're over the age of 18, then you can't call yourself Lil or Young. That means no more Lil Wayne, Young Dro, Young Jeezy, Lil Bow Wow, etc.

Is Alicia Keys engaged?

I think Kobe Bryant is a man bitch

Kobe Bryant is the best player in the NBA

Big Brown is the name of the race horse who is going for the triple crown this Saturday.

Is it just me or does Big Brown sound like a cool name for a porno star?

What percentage of athletes do you think are on steroids or performance enhancing drugs?

Who was your favorite character on A Different World? I liked Dwayne Wayne...goofy but cool

What happened to the black shows on tv? The stuff that's on tv right now is downright horrible. And yeah...that includes that crap that's on WB

Sanaa Lathan...Sanaa Lathan...Sanaa Lathan

Remember Video Soul with Donnie Simpson?

I love Deion Sanders' reality show

I don't watch much reality tv but I'd take Run's House over all of em. My son's refer to Run as "Diggy's Dad". I tried to explain to them who Run is but they don't care.

Is cheerleading a sport? I don't think it is but Mrs12 doesn't agree.

I can't watch the WNBA. Some of those chicks are hard on the eyes. I know...I know...I'm wrong for saying that. I doubt that any of you ladies would watch the NBA if most of the dudes looked like Sam Cassell.

LL Cool J is still rappin'. You gotta respect ole skool. I need for Rakim and Big Daddy Kane to come out with a cd.

When I think back to the songs that I liked that RKelly did early in his career when I liked him, I wonder if he was singing to a woman or a 15 year old girl? Pervert!

How much money did Arnold get paid for saying Whutchutalkinbout Willis???

The Falcons are lowering season ticket prices to bring the fans back. Some tickets will be as low as $250. I'll be at the games...but I'll be in the parking lot. An incompetent ownership and a talent-less team makes for a long football season.

The Miami Dolphins are mad at Jason Taylor for participating on Dancing With the Stars. Gimme a break. Let that dude dance

Remember Amil, former Jay Z protegee'? Wonder which McDonald's does she work at? Maybe she can give Souljah Boy a job in a few years?

Baseball is the only sport where you're considered to be good if you get 10 opportunities to get a hit and you get 3 hits. That's 30%! There's no other profession where 30% is acceptable. If you do 30% of your work today, I don't think your company would be happy.

Tell the truth...they'd be lucky to get 30% outta you on Fridays. Haaaa


  1. Excuse me sir...

    I see you and me ain't gone be able to get along already and we don't even know each other...Lol

    But lemme tell you somthing...

    KOBE IS NOT A MAN BITCH!!! Stop hating on my baby and his team!

    And the Lakers ARE going to win the u and all these other sorry Celtic fans need to stop being delusional...

    Cuz a Celtics win aint happening...

  2. Yep, this series takes you back...back in the day I hated the Celtics...but Larry Bird was the ish okay!

    Kobe, i so agree with you.

    LL is fine, LL, LL, LL...if i said it in the mirror you think he would just show up, lol.

    lol at Big Brown!

    I was too crazy about Dwayne Wayne, for favorite too and Whitley.

    R was doing the deed back in the day too, you remember he tried to marry Aliyah and she was 15 or so.

  3. alicia keys engaged???? really? I hope so because she totally deserves it.

  4. I wish I could get into the NBA these days...even a new version of the greatest rivalry ever cant do it

    I still dont like Kobe though

    Ill with the randomness

    Who knows what Alicia is up to..when her skin is on she is the truth! Elevator eye and all


  5. WHOO HOOOO CELTICS! or shall I say I heart heart KG. I hope they dust the hell out of the Lakers. I HATE Kobe! Man bitch is too gentle for him.

    I heard A. Keys was marrying her long term manager/and BF.

    Favorite character on Different world was Whitley, and Freddie. I hated Jeleza.

    Now do go hating on The Game. that show has really come up in its last few seasons. Girl Melanie and Derwyn just can't get it right.

    Now you know you were watching that awful Flavor of Love, which equals to 20 Reality shows HAHAHA/ but Yes Run's house is the truth!

    HELL Yeah Cheerleading is a sport. I'd like to see you do some of those tricks!

    I've re-evaluated all the songs I liked as a young one by R.Kelly and yeah I think he was talking to young girls because damn it if a man tols me today I remind him of a jeep, it would be fist a flying.

    ok its only monday have to put in my 30% at the J.O.B.

  6. I hate the Lakers & Kobe...but I hate the Celtics more. I hope they crush them....and yea, he's a man bitch lol

    Big Brown sounds like a bowel movement...

    I love(d) Cree Summer's character. She was so free & spirited & down for the friends used to call me Freddie lol

    I live in the past & watch reruns...cuz thats the only thing good on tv.

    Run's house is pretty good...

    I never thought cheerleading was a sport...til I got to HS and saw what those girls voluntarily go through. They train just as hard as any other sports w/more injuries. I knew girls who had tendinitis in both knees and even through the pain she'd be smiling & crying at the same time...they are hardcore.

    I remember Amil...her voice made my skin crawl

  7. @ Kandi Black
    Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have a good time over here. We're here everyday like bad traffic

    You funny. I'm not hatin on Shobe. He's the best in the game. But that bitch session last year cemented it for me. Not to mention him "rattin" on Shaq to the cops when HE was in trouble for taking that white girl's booty. He is what he is. Haaaa

    @ Miz
    Lmao @ u about LL. I'll give him his props. He's managed to stay around for a long time and he can still rap.

    I forgot about him marrying Aaliyah. That dude is the worst.

    @ Darius
    She's pretty and she can sing her face off.

    @ e
    Can't get into it? Say word? Mannn, I'm all over it. I can't get enuf of the NBA. I hear you, tho.

    @ The F$%K it List
    Ladies love KG. It should be a good series. Shobe will play well...but not enough to win.

    So she is engaged? Ok. That's what I thought but I've never seen her man. LOL

    Didn't like Jeleza? Word? I think she was one of the best ones on that 1st season.

    Mannnn, I had the misfortune of watching the last episode of that show b/c Mrs12 suckered me into watching it. OMG! The acting was horrible. Can't believe that I wasted my time. So, you liked that show? Why? I'm interested to know. Maybe I caught a bad episode.

    You remind me of my jeeeeeeep


    Mondays will definitely get 30%

    @ Kieya
    Don't you live in Boston? And you hate the Celtics? Please tell. Haaaa

    I liked Freddie, too. I wonder if she's still acting

    I love reruns! Martin, Sanford and Son, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, etc

    I still dunno why Jay Z signed her and not Foxy

  8. My Celtics made it…woooo whoooo. Can’t wait for the first game!

    ^5 on the Celts in 6!

    I have not love for Hobe Bryant.

    I had quite a few faves on a different world. Freddy’s quirkiness and Marisa Tomie’s character were my faves in the first couple of seasons, but towards the end Jada Pinkett’s character was my fave.

    Black shows…on TV…they don’t last because most of them lack substance.

    I agree with Mrs. 12! It is so a sport!!!

    Would luv for Rakim and Kane to come back.

    Amil is NOT working at Mc Donald’s…stop it. I heard she’s pumping gas over on Sunrise Highway.

    I can not get into baseball…it’s just too blah for me.

  9. Been a Celtics fan since high school. I loved Larry Bird something crazy about a white boy with no gimmiks who can actually hold a ball against Magic...MAGIC ya'll! And also my sister is a diehard Lakers fan and ALWAYS has been and we never got along so I always played the contrarian.

    I can't stand Kobe's bitch ass!

    Celtics are gonna take it in game 7 unless they tighten up real good...

    Ummm what else did you say?

  10. well, i mean....i got to school in boston and i'm anti any boston team cuz boston fans are out of their minds lol

  11. The Ladies better back off of KG, He's mine!

    You've seen her man he's always lurking off in the back. Sort of big dude.

    I really do like that show! I'm not saying the acting is stellar but they do touch on some real relationship stuff.

    Jeleza was cool in the begininng but once she married Col. Bradford she became annoying. Ugh!

    I'm actually thinking more like 20% for Monday now. HAHA

  12. I loved "A Different World!!" My favorite character was Whitley Gilbert of course!!

    Where are all the black shows??? And black movies?

    LOL@ Amel!!! Where is she now? The last time I heard anything she had given her life over to Christianity, but that was like 10 years ago!

  13. just came to say: SEE U SATURDAY & have yo' dancin' shoes ON, Son!
    no comment other than too much sports talk. LOL!

  14. someone give Big Brown my number please?


  15. @ OD
    Jada was soooo raw at the beginning. But she was one of the stars at the end.

    Rakim is "supposed" to drop something by the end of the year. I dunno wassup with Kane. I know he lives in Raleigh, NC right now.

    Pumpin gas! Lmao!

    @ prettyblack
    Looks like y'all gonna be going at it for the next 2 wks.

    LOL @ u! I need to shorten this so that you can rememeber.

    @ Kieya
    Gotcha! I thought you were from Beantown. You're right, tho. They are crazy

    @ The F$%K it List
    Ummm...KG and his wife just had their 1st child. You MIGHT be a lil late. Lol

    I'ma take your word for it. That one episode that I saw had me mad that I spent 30 mins in front of the tv

    20%! Haaaaaaa! U stooopid!!!!

    @ BGG
    Whitley did a great job on that show. I can't lie...I DVR that show every day. I love it

    Word? I hope she's not working at McD's

    @ CapCity
    A good dancer neva leaves his shoes at home. Haaaaa

    @ karrie b
    Tooooooo funny. He's a horse, tho! Lmao

  16. I'm still not sold on the NBA. It was so wack for so long, but I will admit this year has been the best in awhile! I think it will be Boston in 7 but if Ray Allen doesn't show up they might be in a little bit of trouble. Also if Odom is on point the Lakers are tough to beat! But I would like to see KG get a ring..even though when he talks he sounds like the RZA!!! lol!

    As for Kobe..yeah I agree he's a straight bitch! But I think Shaq is a bitch too! I mean he complained about Kobe then went to Miami and complained about DWade....that's some straight bitch shyt there!

    Big Brown, Mr. Marcus it's all the same right!

    Steroids usage. I'd go with about 42%. Before the last two year the number was definitely higher especially in baseball and I would even say football!

    Favorite character would have to be Whitley and Dewayne wayne. Do you remember the first season when Marisa Tomei was on? I thought she was aiight! I also liked Lena(Jada Pinkett).

    I love Run's House. I've only seen Deion and Pilar once and enjoyed it! The Game is good...stop hatin!

    I know a girl who got a full ride to Duke to cheer!

    Sam Cassell is sooooo dayum ugly it hurts to look at him! Shyt I think Lebron is ugly. I'm glad the Cavs are out of it so I didn't have to look at him or his taco meat! YUCK!

    12 Play is my favorite RKelly album. After he did "You Remind me of a Jeep" I was too through with him! Ill when he was singing "My body's calling for you" He was talking about a 13year....ILLLL!

    Isn't Amil married to Genuwine? I thought she had like 3 kids before she marrid him and then they had a few more. I believe they live in PG County, MD!

    Rakim...the greatest MC ever! Then Big,Nas and Jigga! I miss him! He stays in heavy rotation on the Pod!

  17. lord Kyle you are gonna have some of these ladies up in here ready to fight your tail, talking about Kobe Bryant like that.

    I think Alicia Keys is supposed to be engaged to her manager Krucial Keys. Hell she is always with him, he was in a couple of her videos's. And she does deserve to be happy, she has one of those beautiful spirits.

    LMAO at Big Brown, you are a mess,lol

    Despite the fact that R. Kelly may be a pedophile I still like his music. Hell 12 play is on repeat in the car as we speak,lol.

  18. Dearest dream crusher 12Kyle,

    I aleady told you I don't care about his wife! Me and My dream are having a healthy relationship

  19. @ PCD
    I guess it would depend on how you say "Big Brown". Haaaaaa

    The WNBA just don't hold me. I guess it would if they had some dimepieces who could ball. LOL

    @ ShellyShell
    Great assesment! I can't agrue with what you've said.

    LMAO @ u! KG doesn't sound like RZA. I can't understand anything that RZA says. I understand KG. RZA talks like he's got a spoonful of peanut butter in his mouth.

    I hear you about Shaq. He wasn't built to play the 2nd option. I would call him a bitch, tho. As a man, there are TWO things that you don't lie on. One is another man. The other is your Big Brown. LMAO!!! Kobe did both!

    I can't even watch the 1st season of A Different World. I just couldn't get into it.

    Taco meat. Haaaaaa. That's funny.

    I thought that Ginuine married that chick named Sole'. She had like a 1/2 of a hit. Haaaa

    Rakim was the illest. I gotta agree with you.

    @ Dreamcop08
    I call it like I see. Kobe is what he is. However, I don't think that it can be debated that he's the best in the game. He's been the best since Jordan retired.

    Despite the fact that R. Kelly may be a pedophile I still like his music
    SMH @ u! LoL

    @ The F$%K it List
    Haaaaa! I'm just stating the facts. Not tryna crush ya dreams. Lol

  20. @ Pro
    You know I call it like i see it. And that's what that dude iz! LOL

  21. Been too busy at work to comment and too busy at home to get online. Hope all is well with everyone on the planet.

    I'm familiar with Lil Bow wow. The rest... um, who?

    Kobe is such the man bitch.

    *Tears of laughter at Big Brown*

    75% on steroids. I don't think anything is wrong with it.

    *In screechy southern accent* DWAYNE!

    The Cosby Show > A Different World > Martin > Steve Harvey Show. Sigh, those were my favs.

    Sanaa Lathan is my second girl crush.

    I remember being too young to be allowed to watch Video Soul. My parents didn't play that 'cable video' ish either.

    My sister was a cheerleader, even went to England to cheer in a parade for the Queen in '96. Yes, it is a serious sport!

    I want to love the WNBA, but I don't even follow the NBA close enough to care about a second b-ball league.

    LL = sexy. Should put his face in the dictionary next to that word and "Lips."

    Yep, R Kelly was singing to 15 year olds. In that song "Vibe" he said "Aaliyah's Got It." She was 13 then. (RIP sweet princess Aaliyah)

    Whateva Arnold got paid was spent by his parents before he was old enough to know.

    Never heard of Amil. What did she sing?

  22. where you been... bow wow been dropped the lil

    and um... who said you could right about sports on a monday?

    and look at you falling victim to the man bitch phrase... I agree... he whines too damn much... definitely a trait of a man bitch... but people cant hold him to that... you can graduate from being a man bitch and I think he has.

    The Celtics still gone win it all.

    I'm gonna stay away from the doodoo brown statement

    Diggy's dad.... funny

    who does watch the wnba?

    where is the Roots album

  23. @ prettyparker
    As always...thanks for stoppin thru.

    btw...nice pic

    You're cool with roids? Really?

    I looooove me some Sanaa Lathan. She's my #1 draft pick. I'd kick Mrs12 to the curb for her. LOL

    I'll give LL his props. Its a wonder what a lil HGH and plastic surgery can do for a fella. LMAO!!!!

    Don't worry bout Amil...she's loooong gone. LOL. Seriously, she was the female voice on Jay Z's song Can I Get A?

    @ Eb the Celeb

    The Celtics will win it all
